
【目的】通过田间小区试验研究磷肥不同基追比例对滴灌玉米养分吸收和产量的影响,为滴灌玉米高效施磷技术提供技术依据。【方法】磷肥用量各处理相同,设5个处理,分别为P0(不施磷肥)、Pb100(磷肥100%基施)、Pb50(磷肥50%基施+50%追施)、Pb25(磷肥25%基施+75%追施)、Pb0(磷肥100%追施)。【结果】等施磷量条件下,磷肥不同基追比例对滴灌玉米的养分吸收、产量和磷肥利用率影响不同,以基肥25%+追肥75%效果最佳,玉米生育中后期磷素吸收量均高于其他四个处理,较全部基施产量提高了18.05%,磷肥利用率为23.90%;滴灌玉米氮素和磷素的吸收主要集中在生育中后期(吐丝至灌浆期),且在吐丝期和灌浆期玉米对磷素和氮素的吸收均表现出极显著的正相关关系(R2>0.92),说明加大后期施磷比例有利于带动玉米对氮素的吸收。【结论】滴灌条件下,磷肥基肥25%+追肥75%的基追比例设置有利于保障玉米各生育期的磷素供给和促进玉米产量形成,是较为适合于本地区滴灌玉米的施磷方式。 英文摘要: 【Objective】The effect of different base-topdressing ratios of phosphate fertilizer on nutrient absorption and yield of drip irrigation corn was studied through field plot experiments, which provided a experimental basis for efficient phosphorus application technology of drip irrigation maize. 【Method】The experiment has a total of 5 treatments. P0(no phosphate fertilizer), Pb100(base: topdressing at 1:0), Pb50(base: topdressing at 1:1), Pb25(base: topdressing at 1:3), Pb0(base: topdressing at 0:1). 【Result】Under the same phosphorus application, base-topdressing ratios of phosphate fertilizer have different effects on P uptake amount, yield and phosphate recovery rate of drip-irrigated maize. P applied with 25% base fertilizer and 75% topdressing performance best P recovery rate and corn grain yield. The P absorption in the middle and late growth stages of maize was higher than the other four treatments. Yield increased by 18.05%, and phosphate recovery rate was 23.90%. The research found that the N and P uptake peak were at middle and late stages of maize growth (spinning to filling stage). And the absorption of phosphorus and nitrogen by maize showed significant positive correlation during silking and filling stages. It showed that increasing the proportion of P applied in the later stage is conducive to driving N absorption by mazie. 【Conclusion】Under the condition of drip irrigation, 25% phosphate base and 75% topdressing is the best P application strategies, it guarantee the P supply of the maize during the various growth periods, promote the growth of maize and the formation of yield.