
自 2015 年起,农业农村部组织开展了第三次全国农作物种质资源普查与收集行动,广西是第一批参与行动的省份。本研究采用的试验材料是四年来在广西各地收集获得的玉米农家品种资源367份,其中普通玉米资源203份,糯玉米资源145份,爆裂玉米资源19份。利用瑞典波通公司(Perten)DA7200型近红外谷物分析仪分别测定蛋白质含量、脂肪含量和淀粉含量,每个观测值重复3次。结果表明:在进行品质检测的367份广西玉米农家品种资源中,蛋白质平均含量是12.61%,变异系数是7.12%,含量幅度是10.44%-15.19%。脂肪平均含量是4.45%,变异系数是9.27%,含量幅度是3.48%-5.89%。淀粉平均含量是68.01%,变异系数是2.88%,含量幅度是59.35%-71.79%。含量幅度及变异系数是脂肪含量>蛋白质含量>淀粉含量。大多数广西玉米农家品种资源的蛋白质含量和脂肪含量都是中低值类型,只有部分资源的淀粉含量是中高值类型。有少量几个广西玉米农家品种资源或同时具有比较高的蛋白质和脂肪含量,或同时具有比较高的脂肪和淀粉含量。没有发现蛋白质和淀粉含量都比较高的农家品种资源,也没有发现蛋白质、脂肪和淀粉含量都比较高的农家品种资源。 英文摘要: Since 2015, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has organized the third action of national survey and collection of crop germplasm resources, and Guangxi was one of the first provinces to participate in the operation. The experimental materials of germplasm resources used in this study were 367 landraces of maize collected in Guangxi over the past four years, of which 203 were field corn landraces, 145 were wax corn landraces and 19 were pop corn landraces. The protein content, fat content and starch content were measured using the DA7200 near-infrared grain analyzer made by Perten in Sweden, and the observations were repeated 3 times. The result shown: among the 367 maize landraces of Guangxi tested for quality detection, the average protein content was 12.61%, the coefficient of variation was 7.12%, and the content range was 10.44%-15.19%. The average fat content was 4.45%, the coefficient of variation was 9.27%, and the content range was 3.48%-5.89%. The average starch content was 68.01%, the coefficient of variation was 2.88%, and the content range was 59.35%-71.79%. The content range and variation coefficient are fat content>protein content>starch content. The protein content and fat content of most of maize landraces of Guangxi are medium and low value types, and the starch content of only some of maize landraces of Guangxi is medium to high value type. A few number of landraces germplasm resource in Guangxi have quite high protein content meanwhile with quite high fat content, and some of landrace germplasm resources in Guangxi has quite high fat content meanwhile with quite high starch content. No landrace resources with high protein and starch content were found, and no landrace resources with high protein, fat and starch content were found.