
通过研究不同栽培模式对春玉米根系生长、干物质积累与产量构成的影响,探究施肥水平、肥料种类、耕作措施对玉米产量形成的综合效应,为促进其高产高效生产提供理论依据。在辽宁铁岭开展连续两年(2017—2018年)的田间试验,选用“郑单958”为试验材料,设置不施肥旋耕等行距 (T1)、一次性施肥旋耕等行距 (T2)、秸秆还田+氮肥运筹翻耕等行距 (T3)和有机肥+氮肥运筹翻耕二比空 (T4)四种栽培模式处理,其种植密度分别为67500、52500、67500、82500株·hm-2。结果表明,不同栽培模式显著影响春玉米产量,T4处理较其他处理分别提高了23.76%、23.17%、15.55%(2017)和34.59%、28.05%、17.19%(2018)籽粒产量。生育期地上部干物质积累和氮素积累在各处理之间存在显著差异,均呈现T4>T3>T2>T1趋势,其中T3处理吐丝期后干物质和氮素积累占比最高。与T1和T2相比,T3和T4处理30 cm以下土壤含水量较高。在0~10 cm土层,与T1相比,T2、T3和T4处理土壤硝态氮含量分别提高3.4%、19.75%和55.97%。0~10 cm土层,T1处理根长密度(RLD)、根表面积密度(RSD)、根干重密度(RWD)显著高于其他处理(PT2>T4>T3的趋势。T3、T4处理叶面积指数(LAI)高于T1、T2处理,而根表面积指数(RAI)表现相反。综上所述,该区域内春玉米生产可通过增加种植密度、采用翻耕耕作方式及调整氮肥运筹和肥料种类的途径提高产量。 英文摘要: To provide theoretical basis for promoting high yield and efficiency production of spring maize, the comprehensive effects of fertilization level, fertilizer type and farming managements on grain yield were explored by analyzing the root distribution, dry matter accumulation and yield components under various cultivation patterns. A two-year (2017—2018) field experiment was conducted at Tieling county in Liaoning, the variety ‘Zhengdan 958’ was employed as the test material, the experiment was set as four treatments including rotary tillage without fertilization with equal row-space (T1), rotary tillage with one-time fertilization and equal row-space (T2), nitrogen fertilizer operation and equal row-space under plow tillage with straw returning (T3) and organic fertilizer input and nitrogen fertilizer operation with 2:0 row planting under plow tillage (T4), the planting density was 67500, 52500, 67500, 82500 plants hm-2, respectively. The results indicated that significant impacts on grain yield of spring maize were found between different cultivation patterns. Compared with T1, T2, T3 treatments, the grain yield of T4 in 2017 and 2018 were increased by 23.76%, 23.17%, 15.55%, and 34.59%, 28.05%, 17.19%, respectively. There was a significant difference between treatments for the above-ground dry matter accumulation and nitrogen accumulation during the whole growth period, it was showed with a trend as T4> T3> T2> T1 consistently, and the proportion of them under T3 treatment after silking stage was found with the highest values. Soil water content under T3 and T4 treatments were higher beneath 30 cm soil depth than those from T1 and T2 treatments. At 0-10 cm soil layer, soil nitrate nitrogen content in T2, T3, and T4 treatments was increased by 3.4%, 19.75%, and 55.97% compared with that in T1 treatment, respectively. Root length density (RLD), root surface area density (RSD), and root dry weight density (RWD) from T1 treatment at 0-10 cm soil layer were significantly higher than those from other three treatments (P T2> T4> T3. The leaf area index (LAI) under T3 and T4 treatments were larger than those from T1 and T2 treatments, while root surface area index (RAI) was found with converse trend between them. In conclusion, the managements of increasing the planting density, using plow tillage, adjusting the nitrogen fertilizer management and selection of fertilizer variety could be considerable for increasing the grain yield of spring maize in this study area.