
减少粮食损失已经成为节约资源、增加粮食供给的重要手段。本文根据23省(区、市)1196户农户的调查数据,在测算不同规模农户玉米储存损失的基础上,运用Fractional Logit模型研究不同规模农户玉米储存损失原因及其差异。总体来看,随着规模增加,农户玉米储存损失率呈现先下降后上升的趋势,中规模农户的玉米储存损失率最低。实证分析结果表明,不同规模农户玉米储存损失影响因素有相似之处也存有差异。扩大农户玉米储存规模、采用先进的玉米储存设施均能降低不同规模农户的玉米储存损失。另外,鼠害会增加大中规模农户的玉米储存损失;相比于其他措施,物理防治与大小规模农户玉米储存损失正相关,说明大小规模农户大多在损失出现后才采取事后控制措施;扩大经营规模会增加大小规模农户玉米储存损失;品种与大中规模农户的玉米储存损失正相关。 英文摘要: Reducing food losses are becoming an important mean of saving resources and increasing food supply. Based on the survey data of 1196 households in 23 provinces, this paper measured the corn storage losses of different sizes, and used the Fractional Logit model to study the causes and determinates of corn storage losses in different sizes. The result shows, with the increase of scale, the corn storage loss rate decreased first and then increased, and the corn storage loss rate of middle-scale farmers was the lowest. The empirical analysis result shows that expand the corn storage scale and adopt advanced corn storage facilities can reduce the corn storage loss of different sizes. In addition, rodent damage will increase corn storage losses for large and medium-sized farmers. Compared with other measures, physical control is positively related to corn storage losses for large and small farmers. Increase the land scale will increase the corn storage loss of large and small-scale farmers; the variety is positively related to the corn storage loss of large and medium-sized farmers.