
利用分子标记技术对玉米自交系进行种群的划分及血缘关系的鉴定,能够有效地为杂交选育提供技术支撑。本研究利用30对多态性好且稳定的SSR标记对259份玉米自交系进行基因分型并进行同源性划分。在259份自交系间共检测出228个等位基因变异,变幅4~13个,平均每对引物检测出7.57个;多态性信息含量变幅为0.37~0.86,平均为0.69,平均基因多样性指数为0.73。根据Nei\&\#39\;s(1972)遗传距离,利用UPGMA聚类法将259份玉米自交系划分为Reid群、旅大红骨群、四平头群、Lancaster群、自330亚群等5个类群,主要以Reid、旅大红骨、四平头和Lancaster这4个类群为主。种群划分与系谱基本吻合,同时对系谱来源复杂的玉米自交系进行同源性分析,明确了自交系的归属。 英文摘要: Using molecular marker technology to divide the population of maize inbred lines and identify kinship can effectively provide technical support for cross breeding. In this experiment, 30 pairs of SSR markers with good polymorphism were used to genotype and classify 259 maize inbred lines. A total of 228 alleles variants that vary from 4 to 13 were detected in 259 inbred lines, with an average of 7.57 detected per primer pair. The polymorphism information content ranged from 0.37 to 0.86, with an average of 0.69, and the average of genetic diversity index was 0.73. By UPGMA cluster analysis method, 259 maize inbred lines were divided into 5 major groups, which were named the Reid,the Lu da Red Cob,the Sipingtou,the Lancaster,the Zi 330 subgroup. The results are mainly based on the four groups of the Reid, the Lu da Red Cob, the Sipingtou and the Lancaster.The division of population was basically consistent with the genealogy. At the same time, the maize inbred lines with complicated genealogy sources were divided to clarify the belonging of the inbred lines.