
针对玉米紫色叶鞘自交系×绿色叶鞘DH系的8份F1材料,经杂交诱导、海南自然加倍自交结实而成的607份DH系,就紫色叶鞘和绿色叶鞘DH系数量、污染率、平均污染株数及绿色叶鞘DH系受紫色叶鞘、绿色叶鞘污染株数进行了适合性检验和分析。结果表明:紫色叶鞘加倍单倍体花粉活力强于绿色叶鞘加倍单倍体。 英文摘要: According to 8 F1 materials of purple sheath inbred lines × green sheath DH lines of maize, 607 DH lines were induced by hybridization and doubled by self pollination in Hainan Province. The suitability of purple sheath DH lines and green sheath DH lines, pollution rate, average number of polluted plants, and the number of polluted plants by purple sheath and green sheath in green sheath DH lines were tested and analyzed. The results showed that the pollen viability of double haploid with purple leaf sheath was stronger than that of double haploid with green leaf sheath.