同心战“疫” | 国际教授来信 愿与中国人民共克时艰(一)


1 Saturnino J. Borras 14/02

It’s been several weeks now since the coronavirus hit humanity. Since then, we've been thinking of you and all dear colleagues and friends in COHD and the ordinary villagers we know in the research sites we regularly visit. We hope you and your family and friends, and all COHD people and our village research collaborators are all Ok despite the very difficult challenge at the moment. We want to believe that this coronavirus is like a paper tiger, that is ‘made of paper, unable to withstand the wind and the rain’. We think that the wind and the rain, ultimately, is the resoluteness of the Chinese people to fight back effectively. In times of crisis of humanity like this, solidarity - international solidarity - becomes crucial. Together, we shall overcome.

Please let us know what we can do to help in any little way possible.

In solidarity,

Saturnino J. Borras & Jennifer Franco







2 Jason W Moore 17/02

We have been following closely the impact of the coronavirus on China over the past month. Here in Binghamton, we want you to know that you are not alone, and that in these difficult times we stand in solidarity with the entire COHD community, your colleagues and comrades, your friends and families. The World-Ecology Research Group at Binghamton University, and the World-Ecology Research Network, is ready to offer our support in whatever way we can. Please do not hesitate to call on us if we can be helpful.

In deepest solidarity,

Jason and Diana

Jason W. Moore, Professor of Sociology, Binghamton University

Diana C. Gildea, Lecturer, Humanities, Binghamton University







3 Jan Douwe van der Ploeg 17/02

We are very much aware of the extremely difficult situation that you and all Chinese people are facing and we very much sympathize with you. We feel a strong solidarity, the more so since we spent so many happy periods with you in the College and during the many field trips and other travels that we could make together. We hope that you are all well and that your families find themselves in a safe situation. Our thoughts are with all of you.

China is a great and fierce nation and the Chinese people have demonstrated during the past that they are able to face difficult situations and to make steps forward after every crisis.

In this respect, we feel proud that we have been, and are, part of your group and we sincerely wish that we can soon visit the College again and may experience again happy times with all of you.

That you all may be well.

Jan Douwe van der Ploeg & Sabine de Rooij








4 Norman Long 16/02

I want you all to know that our thoughts and sympathies are with you at this dreadful time. Ann and I see on our news here in England how hard your government is working to contain the corona virus, and we are sad at the measures they have had to take. The cost to the Chinese economy must be enormous, and I can only imagine the inconvenience it must cause you all in your daily lives. But the measures are obviously necessary and the organisation that China has been able to put in place to implement them is truly admirable. We in the UK are the safer for them and to date have had few cases to contend with. And of course, we not have to put up with the consequences that must affect you all on a daily basis.

I hope that it will not be long before all the good work in teaching and research that COHD is known for will be able to recommence.

Our best wishes to you all,

Norman Long and Ann Long







5 Sergio Schneider 19/02

In view of the difficult measures and restrictions that the Chinese population is facing because of the effects of coronavirus, I would like to express my deepest encouragement and wishes of strength to all colleagues.

Since Brazil, we have followed the efforts of various sectors of Chinese society, especially the government. We know that the fight has been hard, but the good and adequate combat is being waged.

I would like to leave my solidarity and support to all colleagues from COHD and CAU, including staff members, masters and PhD, as well undergraduate students, with whom I have working and stablish friendship relations.

I remain firmly believing that better days will come soon and the difficulties will be overcome.

We have a poet here in Rio Grande do Sul, his name is Mário Quintana, who writes:

All those who are there

Clogging my path,

They will pass ...

I birdie!

Sergio Schneider

Professor at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) of Brazil













6 Philip McMichael 14/02

The news media here in the US suggests much of China is in lockdown, which must be creating so much anxiety across the country. It is hard to imagine the scale of confinement, and the pressure on health workers, not to mention the fear of those families with infected members. We are all hoping for an expeditious and safe resolution of this public health crisis.

I’m sure you are anxious for CAU to open and to return to the important work of your College of Humanities and Development Studies. I send greetings and solidarity to you and your colleagues, many of whom I met when I visited CAU in 2013. That was a memorable experience, as it sparked my interest in your collective research in Hebei Province, and since then I have had the pleasure of hosting visits of your faculty at Cornell, and mentoring several of your impressive PhD students.

Wishing you all the very best in health and spirits,

Philip McMichael

International Professor at the Department of Global Development

Cornell University, USA







7 Nettie Wiebe 18/02

I wish to extend a message of solidarity and good wishes to you and the entire academic community at the College of Humanities and Development Studies (COHD) as you continue to deal with the interruptions and hardships brought on by the spread of the coronavirus. I sincerely hope that you and your colleagues, students and staff are able to weather this unhappy setback and that your lives and your important work will be fully restored in the near future.

In the meantime, please know that many, myself included, are thinking of all of you with concern for your well-being. I remember the wonderful hospitality I experienced at COHD in November, 2016 with gratitude. The visit to your university during the 4th International Conference of BICAS you hosted was an unforgettable event. Not only was the conference very interesting, but the opportunity to visit COHD and Beijing was truly a highlight for me.

In solidarity and with sincere wishes for a speedy end to all the hardships and inconveniences COHD is suffering,

Nettie Wiebe,

Professor Emerita

St. Andrew’s College, University of Saskatchewan







8 Philip Woodhouse 18/02

It is some four years since I was privileged to be invited to speak at COHD/CAU, but I have not forgotten the hospitality and interest with which I was greeted by yourself and your colleagues.

For a variety of personal reasons, I have had to scale back my own academic work in the intervening years, but I still follow with interest the work of COHD. I am writing to express the concern with which I have watched the growing health crisis in Wuhan and the effect it has been having on China more generally. I imagine it must have also some effect on the work of COHD and I wish to extend my thoughts and best wishes to all colleagues there.

I hope you all are safe and in positive spirits, and that this crisis will soon pass. I would be grateful if you could communicate my best wishes and solidarity in this difficult time to all your colleagues.

With great respect for the spirit as well as the substance of the work at COHD,

Philip Woodhouse

Professor of Environment and Development

The Global Development Institute, The School of Environment, Education and Development

The University of Manchester








9 Cristóbal Kay 17/02

As you can imagine every day the media reports on the coronavirus. These are difficult and extraordinary times for people in China and for you and colleagues at COHD. I wonder how the people in the countryside and particularly the "left-behind" people you worked with for your major and original research at COHD.

Hopefully, sooner rather than later, life is going to come back to normal and it would be relevant to find out how the virus affected the localities of the left-behind people in the countryside. All the news in the media and TV pictures is about the cities which look like ghost towns. But what is happening in the countryside?

Our thoughts are with you and your team at COHD. Diana, Sylvia and I will always cherish the opportunity we had to visit COHD and participate in some of its activities.

Best wishes and abrazos,

Cristóbal Kay








10 Bridget O'Laughlin 15/02

It’s hard to imagine the COHD in a time of quarantine and insecurity. Your community is so broad and constantly in movement, bringing people together, listening, observing, assessing, sharing. I hope that there will be some corners of peace and tranquility in which to wait, think and write, but I know that you must all be worrying about the situation of family and friends as well.

My thoughts are with you,

Bridget O'Laughlin






11 Carlos Oya 14/02

I am glad to hear you and the team are all safe. It is a difficult time indeed and our thoughts are with all of you there and generally the people in China having to endure the situation. After all the efforts being made to contain the spread, however hard it is, I hope the situation will be under control soon. Wishing also full recovery to anyone who may have been directly affected.

Carlos Oya

Professor of Political Economy of Development

Development Studies Department

School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK





12 Haroon Akram-Lodhi 15/02

I am sure that you and all of your colleagues in COHD have had a very difficult few weeks because of Covid-19. I am following events closely and have been thinking of you a great deal. I can only hope that the contagion passes without too significant an impact on the work that you are all doing, and that life can return to normal.

Haroon Akram-Lodhi

Professor of Economics and International Development Studies

Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Journal of Development Studies

Trent University

Peterborough, Canada






13 Wendy Wolford 14/02

I’m so sorry for all that you are going through! The stories from China are incredible and I only hope the virus lets up soon. We have also been very worried about students on campus whose parents are panicking back home and who are dealing with the stress of being in two places at this time.

Please let us know what else we can do – stay safe and well, all of you!

Wendy Wolford

Vice Provost for International Affairs

Robert A. and Ruth E. Polson Professor of Global Development

Department of Global Development, Cornell University, USA







14 Ian Scoones 14/02

Greetings from Brighton to all friends at CAU. We have been thinking of you confronting the uncertainties of the coronavirus. It must be a difficult time for everyone, including all your foreign students. Let’s hope the great efforts to control the virus in China are successful!

All the best, and stay safe and healthy!

Ian Scoones






15 Nancy Peluso 15/02

I have been thinking about you and all the wonderful folks I met in Beijing at the University 3 years ago as more difficult news comes in from China. I hope you are all doing as well as can be expected. I hope there will not be negative long term effects. You have such a great program!

Take care,

Nancy Peluso,

Henry J. Vaux Distinguished Professor of Forest Policy

Professor of Environmental Social Science in Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management in University of California (Berkeley), US






林业政策专业亨利·J. 沃克斯特聘教授


16 Ben Kerkvliet 17/02

Here in Honolulu, I extend my wishes of support and concern to you and all your colleagues, hoping that conditions return soon so that normal teaching and research activities can resume.


Ben Kerkvliet

Emeritus Professor

Australian National University

University of Hawai'i





