10月29日“光合作用高峰论坛”之八十一:Phytochrome Signaling and the Control of Plant Development
报告题目:Phytochrome Signaling and the Control of Plant Development
报 告 人:Prof. Meng Chen
University of California Riverside
报告时间:10月29日 上午10:00
联系人:杨文强研究员 (6945)
Prof. Meng Chen’s research group is aimed at understanding how plants sense and respond to light and temperature changes in their environment. They are particularly interested in the signaling mechanisms by the photoreceptor and thermosensor phytochrome B. Their current projects focus on understanding how phytochrome B signaling reprograms the nuclear genome through spatial reorganization of the cell nucleus and also investigate how phytochrome B signaling controls plastid gene expression through nucleus-to-plastid anterograde signaling. They use a combination of genetics, cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology and genomics approaches to address these biological questions.
The outcome of their research is expected to contribute to the understanding of evolutionarily conserved principles of nuclear and organellar gene regulation in eukaryotes. A molecular understanding of how plants respond to changes in their environment will have profound implications for developing new technologies to improve crop yield and to help plants cope with climate change.