
联创808是以中早熟、丰产潜力大、抗倒伏、耐密植、抗病、脱水快、适合机收、适应性广为选育目标,于2012年选育的以自选系CT3566为母本、CT3354为父本育成的玉米新品种,联创808通过了黄淮海、东华北(含东北中熟、东华北中晚熟两个熟期组)、西北、西南四大玉米主产区五个熟期组的国家审定。本文介绍了联创808在国家区域试验和生产试验中的产量表现及其农艺性状、抗倒性、耐密性、籽粒品质和青贮的饲用品质。根据联创808的表现与选育过程的体会,对玉米商业育种的相关问题作了较为深入的探讨,特别是关于优点叠加育种法、杂种优势群划分的理解与利用、杂优模式的梳理总结等。 英文摘要: Lantron 808 is a corn hybrid created in 2012 using CT3566 and CT3354 as female and male parents respectively, which satisfies the trait breeding goals of Mid-early maturity, high yield potential, lodging resistance, high density planting, disease resistance, fast dehydration, machine-harvesting, and wide adaptability. Lantron 808 have been approved in five national trials for commercial corn production in four major corn production regions and five maturity zones including Huanghuaihai summer corn region, Northeast Region (in both Northeast medium maturity Zone and East Huabei Medium and Late Maturity Zone), Northwest region, and Southwest region. The yield performance of Lantron 808 in national and regional multi-location trials, and production trials were reported, along with its excellent characteristics in agronomic traits, lodging resistance, density tolerance, and feed quality of silage. According to the performance of Lianchuang 808 and the experience of the breeding process, related issues on commercial breeding were discussed, in particular, the pyramiding breeding of favorite traits, the assignment of heterotic group and their implications to heterosis. 查看全文