
本文以东北半干旱区玉米‖花生带状轮作系统为研究对象,通过连续3年田间定位试验,考察了玉米秸秆不同还田量对农田土壤水热特性、产量及土地当量比(LER)的影响。试验设有传统玉米单作、花生单作、不同秸秆还田量下(30%、60%和100%)玉米‖花生带状轮作5个处理。结果表明,与传统单作相比,秸秆还田花生区播前0 ~ 40 cm土壤平均含水量提高了11.0% ~ 13.9%,玉米区提高了1.9% ~ 3.9%;成熟期,秸秆还田花生区0:00 ~ 8:00平均地温比传统单作提高了0.2 ~ 1.1°C,但10:00 ~ 22:00平均地温较传统单作降低了0.5 ~ 1.0°C。秸秆还田促进了玉米果穗和籽粒的发育,提高了单株生产力,但是秸秆还田却不利于花生单株生产力的提高。2018年,随着秸秆还田量的增加,花生单株荚果个数和百仁重均显著降低。2016年和2017年玉米‖花生轮作系统LER为1.05 ~ 1.16,2018年各处理LER均小于1。吉林半干旱区玉米‖花生带状轮作系统进行秸秆还田改善了作物播前的土壤水分状况,但对于作物产量的影响在不同年份有所差异。 英文摘要: Under the background of maize ‖ peanut strip rotation system in semiarid region of Jilin Province, the effects of and different amount of maize straw returning (30%, 60% and 100%) on hydro-thermal condition, yield and land equivalent ratio (LER) were studied. The experiment was carried out in 2016-2018. Five treatments were set up, including sole peanut, sole maize and different straw returning treatments in maize-peanut strip rotation system. The results showed that compared with the traditional monoculture, the average soil water content of 0-40 cm of straw returning region in peanut treatment increased by 11.0%-13.9% before sowing, and the maize region increased by 1.9%-3.9%. At the maturity stage, the average soil temperature of the straw returning area from 0:00-8:00 was 0.2-1.1 °C higher than that of the traditional peanut monoculture, but 0.5-1.0 °C lower than that of the traditional peanut monoculture at 10:00-22:00. Straw returning promoted the development of maize ear and grain, and increased the productivity of individual plants, but straw returning was not conducive to the improvement of single plant productivity of peanut. In 2018, with the increase of straw mulching amount, the number of pod per plant and the weight of 100 kernel of peanut decreased significantly. In 2016 and 2017, LER of the maize ‖ peanut rotation system was 1.05-1.16, and the LER of each treatment was less than 1 in 2018. Maize intercropping peanut conservation tillage in the semi-arid area of Jilin improved the soil moisture status before crop sowing, but the impact on crop yield varied in different years.