
以17份黄淮海常用骨干系及自选系为材料,不同生育期进行干旱胁迫,旨在筛选出一批抗旱性强的玉米种植资源,并探讨其抗旱的生理机制。方差分析表明与正常水分相比,胁迫后的抽雄-散粉间隔未达到显著水平,但ASI间隔达到显著水平;不同生育期自交系的叶绿素含量、Fv/Fm和Fv/Fo均下降,SOD和POD活性均提高,但不同自交系下降或上升的幅度不同,且不同自交系间、胁迫与对照间指标差异及两因素交互作用均达到极显著水平;灰色关联度表明POD活性无论是拔节期还是抽雄期都与ASI关联度很高,可作为筛选抗旱型材料的一个重要指标;模糊隶属函数法鉴定出超4F、郑36、CIMBL12、郑63、HCL645、郑6611和PH6WC在两个生育期均属于抗旱型自交系;其中自交系超4F、郑36和郑63拔节期和抽雄期旱胁迫后,ASI增大幅度较小,叶绿素含量、叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm和Fv/Fo抗旱指数均较高,说明这三个自交系遭受旱胁迫时主要通过调节光合系统这种机制来提高抗旱性。本研究结果可加快抗旱型品种的培育,同时为建立玉米抗旱性鉴定体系奠定基础。 英文摘要: 17 parts of Huanghuaihai commonly used backbone and self-selected lines were used as materials, and drought stress was carried out at different growth stages. A series of drought-tolerant maize planting resources were selected to explore the physiological mechanism of drought resistance.Analysis of variance showed that the male-dispersion interval after stress did not reach a significant level compared with normal water, but the ASI interval reached a significant level.The chlorophyll content, Fv/Fm and Fv/Fo of inbred lines in different growth stages decreased, SOD and POD activities increased, but the amplitudes of different inbred lines decreased or increased, and different inbred lines, stress and control in indicators and interactions between the two factors reached extremely significant levels.The grey correlation degree indicates that the POD activity is highly correlated with ASI in both jointing and tasseling stages, and can be used as an important indicator for screening drought-resistant materials.Fuzzy membership function method to identify Chao 4F, Zheng 36, CIMBL12, Zheng 63, HCL645, Zheng 6611 and PH6WC are drought-resistant inbred lines in both growth stages.Among them, the ASI increased slightly after the inbred lines of Chao 4F, Zheng 36 and Zheng 63 jointing and tasseling stress, and the chlorophyll content, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters Fv/Fm and Fv/Fo drought indexs were higher, indicating that these three When the inbred lines are subjected to drought stress, the mechanism of photosynthetic system is mainly adjusted to improve drought resistance.The results of this study can accelerate the cultivation of drought-resistant varieties and lay the foundation for the establishment of drought resistance identification system for maize. 查看全文