
摘要:运用SPSS18.0对不同生态区玉米杂交种产量与主要农艺性状中的生育期、株高、穗位、穗长,穗粗、秃尖长、穗行数、行粒数、百粒重和出籽率关系进行逐步回归分析和通径分析。结果表明:二区品种选择的关键是粗穗、长穗、行多、出籽率高;四区品种选择的关键是生育期适当、穗位偏低,适当提高株高;五区品种选择的关键是粗穗,适当增加穗长,出籽率高,封顶性好;六区品种选择的关键是中长穗、封顶好的品种为宜。本研究结果将为黑龙江省玉米高产育种提供理论依据。 英文摘要: Abstract: The agronomic characteristics is the main factors of maize yield components,to study the relationship between the agronomic characteristics factors and maize yield could help to enhance the maize yield. The effects of agronomic characteristics factors such as growth period, plant height, ear height, ear length, ear diameter, bald length, rows per ear, grains per row, 100-grain weight, produced grain rate. Studied using stepwise regression analysis and path analysis, decision factors between the agronomic characteristics and maize hybrids yield, The maize hybrids yield was test using normal distribution before path analysis. The analysis results are examined using significance test until each variables in regression equations reached significant level. The results indicated that in the second eco-regions particular attention should be paid to the selection of ear length, ear diameter, rows per ear and produced grain rate in the maize breeding;In the fourth eco-regions particular attention should be paid to the selection of growth period, plant height and ear height in the maize breeding;In the fifth eco-regions particular attention should be paid to the selection of ear length, ear diameter,bald length and produced grain rate in the maize breeding;In the sixth eco-regions particular attention should be paid to the selection of ear length, ear diameter and bald length in the maize breeding. 查看全文