为明确引起玉米穗腐病的一种不常见镰孢菌病原菌及其生物学特性,对采集的镰孢菌穗腐病样本进行病原菌分离和纯化,并通过柯赫氏法则(Koch\&\#39\;s Rule)、形态学特征和分子生物学技术对菌株进行鉴定。结果表明,分离到的菌株ZBSF002为温和镰孢菌(Fusarium temperatum),是玉米穗腐病的致病菌。对其生物学特性研究结果表明,温和镰孢菌的最适碳源是可溶性淀粉;但最适氮源是酵母浸粉;生长温度范围为10℃-35℃,最适温度为30℃;在PH 4-11的培养基上均能够生长和产孢,但在PH 7-10的培养基上,菌丝生长较快且产孢量较大;光照对菌丝生长和产孢量影响不显著,菌株在光照、黑暗、交替光照三种培养条件下均能生长和产孢,但是续光照条件下菌丝生长较快,且产孢量较大;病原菌菌丝和分生孢子致死温度为65℃,10 min。
In order to confirm an uncommon Fusarium sp. causing maize ear rot and its biological characteristics, the isolate ZBSF002 was isolated and purified from Fusarium species corn ear rot, and the pathogenicity was identified based on the the Koch’s rule, morphological characteristics, molecular biological technology. The results showed that ZBSF002 was Fusarium temperatum that causing maize ear rot. Biological characteristics showed that the optimum carbon and nitrogen sources of the isolate ZBSF002 were soluble starch and yeast extract, respectively. The temperature range of mycelial growth and sporulation was 10-35℃, and the optimum temperature was 30℃.The isolate could grow and produce conidia at pH 4-11, but the optimum pH for hyphae growth and sporulation was 7-10. The isolate could grow and produce conidia in continuous illumination, darkness and alternate darkness (12h) and illumination (12h), but hyphae grow fastest and spore produce largest in continuous illumination. The lethal temperature for the mycelia and conidia was 65℃ for 10 minutes.