
2007-2016年在河北各地采集玉米小斑病标样,对分离出的356株玉米小斑病菌菌株进行生理小种鉴定,结果表明:在鉴定的年度范围内,玉米小斑病菌T小种、C小种、S生理型、O小种的分离频率在年度间存有差异,O小种的平均分离频率94.94%,是河北省玉米小斑病菌的优势小种。同时O小种对主栽品种郑单958和自交系C103的致病力呈下降趋势,但在C103上致病力下降幅度小于郑单958。同时对河北省石家庄、保定、衡水、沧州以及辽宁沈阳、山东济南采集的43株菌株进行ITS序列分析构建UPGMA进化树,分析结果表明河北省内玉米小斑病菌株的遗传进化与地域有关但是分化不明显。 英文摘要: The physiological races of 356 strains of Bipolaris maydis were identified, which were collected from Hebei province from 2007 to 2016. Results showed that isolation frequencie of Race T, Race C, Type S and Race O is different from year to year. Race O is the dominant race of of B.maydis in Hebei province with 94.94% everage isolation frequence. Meanwhile, the pathogenicity of race O to hybrid Zhengdan 958 and inbred line C103 was declining. However, the pathogenicity of Bipolaris maydis to C103 decreased less than that to zhengdan 958. ITS sequence of 43 strains collected from Shijiazhuang, Baoding, Hengshui, Cangzhou Hebei Province, Shenyang Liaoning Province and Jinan Shangdong Province were analyzed and UPGMA evolutionary Tree was construction .The result indicated that the genetic evolution of Bipolaris maydis was weakly geographically related. 查看全文