In maize, kernel abortion was always occurred in the apical region of the ear. The apical kernel was not only showed the disadvantages in position but related to the late events of differentiation and pollination. In recent, many researchers suggested that delayed pollination was the cause of kernel abortion. However, whether delayed pollination was causal link to kernel abortion is still unclear. Experiment was carried out by delayed pollination on late emergence silks under normal growth conditions. We found that delayed pollination had little effect on growth and development of the early pollinated kernel. However, delayed pollination significantly reduced the weight of late pollinated kernel, Xianyu335 and Denghai605 hybrids both showed the same trend. Our results also showed that there was no significantly difference in dry matter accumulation between late pollinated kernel and normal kernel with same time after pollination, Xianyu335, Denghai605, Zhengdan958 and Dacheng168 hybrids all showed the same trend. In general, delayed pollination only delayed and shortened the development of late pollination kernel development, thus affected kernel weight under no stress conditions. It was mentioning that factors other than delayed pollination likely play key role in controlling kernel development under stress condition.