玉米品种根系性状和产量不同年代的演替规律 及其对深松响应研究

以1970s-2010s年间10个玉米主栽品种为材料,在深松增密条件下,研究玉米品种演替过程中根系性状和产量的变化情况。结果表明,随着年代的推进,玉米单株根系性状指标(根系干重、根长、根表面积以及根系平均直径)均呈现先上升后降低的变化趋势,在1980s达到最大值;这些指标在20-50cm土壤中根系所占的比例随着品种的更替而增加,根系不断向深层土壤延伸。深松增密措施更有利于玉米新品种形成横向紧缩、纵向延伸的根系构型,不仅通过改变根系空间分布实现结构性增产,而且通过改善耕层环境实现功能性增产。 英文摘要: In 1970s-2010s, ten maize cultivars were used as experimental materials, a field experiment was established to study the root traits and yield changes during maize cultivars succession under subsoiling and densification. The result showed that: the root traits (roots dry weight, root length, root surface area and root mean diameter) showed a unimodal curve change, which increased with the time and reached to the highest in 1980s, then decreased thereafter. The proportion of these root traits increased with the maize cultivars succession in 20 – 50 cm soil depth, and the roots gradually extended into the deeper soil layer. The subsoiling and densification system favored to the establishment of new maize cultivars, and it not only achieved a "structural" yield increase, but also obtained the yield increased by the improvement of root zone environment. Therefore, in future maize high-yield breeding, we should select proper root traits and focus on the combination of cultivation practice to reach the goal of high yield and high efficiency of maize production