
以美国玉米种质为基础材料创制出自交系XZ966-14,经改良后育成WZ049、WZ0714、WZ126、WZ1422和WZ1423 5个衍生系,采用NCⅡ交配设计测定了XZ966-14及其衍生系的配合力,应用全基因组SNP芯片技术检测了XZ966-14及其衍生系的遗传潜势。结果表明,XZ966-14产量配合力高,与Reid、旅大红骨种质衍生系杂交有较强杂交优势;该自交系的衍生系产量配合力好,与旅大红谷种质衍生系、PN(PA和PB)种质衍生系杂交有较强杂交优势。已用XZ966-14及其衍生系育成2个品种通过国家审定,2个品种通过西南4省市审定,17个品种通过1个省市审定,9个品种在重庆待审定。全基因组SNP芯片检测结果显示,WZ049、WZ0714、WZ126第1~10号ChrDNA均遗传了XZ966-14 ChrDNA的片段,其长度占整条ChrDNA总长的比例最大为100%,最小为3.04%,多数为30~90%;XZ966-14第3、4、6、7号ChrDNA具有较强的遗传传递能力,能将其大部分甚至全部遗传信息稳定传递给所有衍生系;第2、10号ChrDNA也有较强的遗传传递能力,能将其大量遗传信息传递给大部分衍生系。在产量配合力育种方面,XZ966-14还有较大的育种潜力可挖掘。 英文摘要: Based on the germplasm of American corn belt,XZ966-14 inbred line was created, and then bred into 5 derivative lines WZ049、WZ0714、WZ126、WZ1422 and WZ1423 after being improved. Combining ability of them was determined by mating design using NCII,and inheritance potential of them was tested in applicating whole genome SNP chip technology.The results showed that XZ966-14 had high yield combining ability,and had strong heterosis with the derivative lines of Reid and Luda Red Bone germplasm. Combining ability of the derivatives lines of XZ966-14 was higher,and had strong heterosis with the derivative lines of Luda Red Bone and PN(PA and PB) germplasm derivative lines.XZ966-14 and its derivative lines had been used to breed 2 varieties passed the national examination and approval, 2 varieties passed the examination