株高是玉米重要的农艺性状之一。课题组前期以玉米自交系郑58为遗传背景,以昌7-2为供体通过全基因组分子标记辅助选择获得染色体单片段代换系Z12和W16。Z12和W16在bin2.07区域均含有来一个来自昌7-2的染色体片段,株高均显著高于轮回亲本郑58。本研究利用郑58和Z12为材料构建F2分离群体,基于重测序和混合分离分析(BSA)策略,将株高主效QTL qPH2.4定位于第2染色体13.56 Mb(201,457,953-215,022,157 bp)的区域内。利用在目标区间内筛选出的20对多态性分子标记对包含743个单株的郑58×Z12 F2分离群体和包含1720个单株的郑58×W16 F2分离群体进行基因型分析,结合田间株高数据进行QTL定位,将株高主效QTL qPH2.4定位在Indel分子标记ph-18和ph-19之间,期间的遗传距离为0.57cM,物理距离为626 kb。参考B73基因组(RefGen_v4)注释信息,该区间内存在17个注释基因,其中包含可以调控油菜素内酯信号的基因Zm00001d006677。该研究为后续的玉米株高基因克隆和遗传改良奠定了基础。
Plant height of maize is one of the important agronomic traits. Previously, the maize inbred line Zheng58 was used as the recurrent parent, the chromosome single segment substitution line Z12 and W16 were constructed with Chang 7-2 as the donor parent through genome-wide molecular marker-assisted selection. Z12 and W16 contain a chromosome segment from Chang 7-2 in the bin2.07 region and their plant height is significantly higher than that of Zheng 58. In this study, a F2 population was constructed with Zheng58 and Z12 as materials. Based on the resequencing and bulked segregant analysis (BSA) strategy, the plant height QTL qph2.4 was located in the interval 13.95Mb (201,457,953-215,022,157 bp) of chromosome 2. Genotype analysis was performed on the Zheng 58×Z12 F2 segregation population containing 743 individuals and the Zheng 58×W16 F2 segregation population containing 1720 individual plants using 20 polymorphic molecular markers screened in the target interval, and the plant height QTL qPH2.4 was located between the Indel molecular markers ph-18 and ph-19. The genetic distance was 0.57 cM and the physical distance was 626 kb. Reference B73 refgen_v4, there are 17 candidate genes in this interval, including the gene Zm00001d006677 which can regulate the brassinosteroid signal. This study laid the reference for the subsequent gene cloning and genetic improvement of maize plant height.