
干旱和低温影响着西藏半干旱地区玉米的发展,为了探讨全膜双垄沟播下玉米土壤水分的动态变化和利用效率,采用田间试验,设全膜双垄沟播(Q)、全膜平作(P)和裸地平作(L)3种种植方式,测定了玉米各生育时期的土壤含水量、干物质量、光和速率、产量和产量构成因子,分析了不同处理的土壤耗水量、贮水量、含水量垂直变化以及水分利用效率。结果表明:覆膜可使玉米出苗提前2 d,促进玉米前期营养生长并提前灌浆5 d,覆膜处理的整个生育期缩短8 d。Q处理的产量和水分利用效率最高,分别为27309 kg.hm-2、69.2 kg.hm-2.mm-1,同时生育期耗水量最小(394.5 mm),能够提前灌浆,减少灌浆时期耗水量。收获后,P和L处理的土壤水分出现亏缺,各土层贮水量均减少,Q处理的各土层土壤含水量均高于播前。Q处理的玉米净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和气孔导度(Gs)显著高于其他处理,收获时各处理的籽粒和秸秆干物质累积量均表现为Q>P>L;生物量分别为47309、35210、21320 kg.hm-2。因此,西藏半干旱地区全膜双垄沟播可显著提高玉米水分利用效率和产量,值得推广。 英文摘要: Drought and low temperature affected the development of maize in semi-arid regions of Tibet. In order to investigate the dynamic changes and utilization efficiency of maize soil moisture in the double ridge mulching and furrow planting, a field experiment was conducted in which three planting modes were established, double ridge mulching and furrow planting (Q), full covered and flat planting (P) and open and flat planting (L). The soil water content, dry matter, Photosynthesis, maize yield and yield components were measured, as well as the soil water consumption, water storage capacity, vertical change of water content and water use efficiency of different treatments were analyzed. The results showed that the plastic-milled maize emergence 2d earlier, at the same time it promote the pre-vegetative maize growth and early grouting 5d, and the entire growth period shortened 8d. The yield and water use efficiency of corn with Q treatment were the highest, 27309 kg.hm-2 and 69.2 kg.hm-2.mm-1, respectively. The water consumption during the growth period was the lowest(394.5 mm), which could pre-grout and reduce the water consumption during filling. After harvest, P and L soil water deficit, which water content of all soil layers decreased compared with sowing, but the opposite of Q treatment. The Pn, Tr and Gs of maize treated with Q were significantly higher than those of other treatments. The dry matter accumulation of grain and straw at harvest showed Q> P> L and biomass of 47309,35210,21320 kg.hm-2, respectively. Therefore, double ridge mulching and furrow planting in semi-arid region of Tibet can significantly improve the water use efficiency and yield of maize, which is worth promoting. 查看全文