在张家口雨养旱作区通过田间试验,采用2种垄膜沟播聚水种植模式与常规半膜覆盖和露地平播种植相对比,研究不同处理对玉米生育期间根层土壤水分、温度及生物产量和降水利用率的影响。结果表明:垄膜沟播聚水种植模式聚雨效果明显;垄膜沟播较露地平播苗期增加>70℃积温,对玉米的生育前期有明显的增温效果;水分利用效率和综合经济效益表现为垄膜沟播70:40>垄膜沟播80:30>常规半膜覆盖>露地;垄膜沟播聚水种植模式可有效解决雨养旱地玉米播种-拔节和灌浆-成熟期间的干旱问题,且出苗整齐一致,容易回收残膜。垄膜沟播70:40 聚水种植模式综合效益最佳。
In order to make full use of limited resources of rainfall and to increase water use efficiency of crops in rain farming area of north Hebei, the experiment was carried out in the rain-fed arid area in Zhuolu Zhangjiakou[by 后面接从句?] : two ridge film mulching and furrow seeding patterns(RFF70:40,RFF80:30), and conventional flat planting with film mulching(CFF) and no film mulching(CK), to investigate the effects of different treatments on root soil moisture, temperature, biological yield and rainfall utilization rate of maize .The results showed that the effect of rainwater accumulation between RFF patterns was obvious; accumulated temperature in seedling stage was>70℃ higher than CK, the effects of different treatments in the WUE ,the yield and the comprehensive benefits were ranked as: RFF70:40>RFF80:30>CFF>CK. Compared with CFF and CK, the drought problems during maize sowing-jointing stage and grouting-maturity stage can be effectively solved by RFF planting patterns, the?seedlings?come?out?evenly and the used plastic film retrieved easier. RFF70:40 planting pattern is a highly efficient rainwater-harvesting technique for maize production in the rain farming area in north Hebei Province .