
近年来随着气候的变化和玉米种植密度的加大玉米纹枯病发生日益严重。该病株残体残留在田土表面,土层较浅的区域进行越冬。为准确诊断玉米纹枯病,根据玉米主要病害玉米大斑病(Exserohilum turcicum(Pass.)Leonard et Suggs)、玉米弯孢菌叶斑病(Curvularia lunata (Walk) Boed.)、玉米灰斑病(Cercospora zeae-maydis Tehon Daniels)rDNA的ITS区间序列差别,设计合成1对特异性扩增引物(LZ-F+LZ-R)用于玉米纹枯病检测。该引物能从玉米纹枯病菌株扩增到特异性的分子片段,说明设计的特异性引物可以用来检测玉米纹枯病菌。采集田间玉米纹枯病、玉米大斑病、玉米弯孢菌叶斑病、玉米灰斑病病株样本进行病原菌分离,同时提取其病原菌和土壤总DNA,利用上述引物进行扩增。结果表明,仅从能分离到玉米纹枯病的玉米组织中扩增到约460bp的特异性条带,并且在土壤总DNA中也能扩增到约460bp的特异性条带。说明设计的特异性引物可以对田间玉米纹枯病进行早期、快速分子诊断。 英文摘要: In recent years, with the change of climate and maize planting density, maize blight has become increasingly serious. The residual body of the disease was found in the surface of the soil, and the shallow area of the soil was overwintered. For the accurate diagnosis of sheath blight of corn, according to the maize disease mainly Northern leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum Pass. Leonard et Suggs), Curvularia leaf spot of maize (Curvularia lunata (Walk) Boed.), Gray leaf spot of maize (Cercospora zeae maydis - Tehon Daniels) of rDNA ITS interval sequence differences, The specific amplification primer (LZ-F +LZ-R) was designed to detect Maize sheath blight. Acquisition in the field of Sheath blight of corn, Northern leaf blight, Curvularia leaf spot of maize,Gray leaf spot of maize, resistant strain pathogen separation of samples, the pathogen and soil total DNA extraction, using the above primers for amplification. The results showed that the specific bands of about 460bp could be amplified from the maize tissue isolated to the maize sheath, and the specific bands of about 460bp could be amplified in the total soil DNA. The specific primers of the design can be used for early and rapid molecular diagnosis. 查看全文