
优化改进玉米田间种植模式是提高玉米单产的重要措施之一。本研究以黑龙江省第一积温带主栽品种京农科728为试验材料,研究了不同种植模式对玉米生长发育特征和产量形成的影响。结果表明,种植模式的改变可以显著影响玉米群体产量及其生长发育特征。两种种植模式均可增加玉米的株高,提高叶面积和光能利用率,促进干物质积累;大垄双行+控释肥种植模式的平均产量为 10852.5kg/hm2,比不均匀平作增加6.24%,百粒重和穗行数的显著提高是增产的主要原因。因此,笔者认为在黑龙江省松嫩平原中南部特定的自然条件下大垄双行+控释肥种植模式是提高玉米单产的最佳种植模式。 英文摘要: Optimization of planting pattern is one of the important measures to improve maize yield. The effects of different planting patterns on characteristics of growth and development and yield formation of maize were studied by using maize variety Jingnongke 728 main planted in the first accumulation zone of Heilongjiang province as the experimental material. The results showed that the change of planting pattern could significantly affect yield and characteristics of growth and development of maize population. Both planting patterns in the study can increase maize plant height, leaf area and light energy utilization, and promote dry matter accumulation in final. The average yield of plant pattern of one big ridge two rows + controlled release fertilizer was 10852.5kg/hm2, which was 6.24% higher than the uneven plant pattern, for which the significant increase in the number of grain weight and spike was the main reason. Therefore, the author thinks that the planting pattern of one big ridge two rows + controlled release fertilizer is the best mode to increase maize yield under certain natural conditions in South Central of Songneng Plain in Heilongjiang province. 查看全文