10月25日植物生物学论坛—254:How to prepare your manuscript for publication and what happens after you submit it

报告题目:How to prepare your manuscript for publication and what happens after you submit it

报 告 人:Dr. Crispin Taylor

American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB)



联 系 人:种康研究员(chongk@ibcas.ac.cn)


Crispin Taylor is the CEO of the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB). Dr. Taylor has devoted his career to supporting scholarly communication, building networks, and providing robust professional development information and skills to scientists. He has embraced partnerships among all types of organizations to advance these goals, including by serving on the Scholarly Publishing Roundtable that was convened in 2009 by the U.S. House of Representatives Science and Technology Committee (http://www.aau.edu/policy/scholarly_publishing_roundtable.aspx?id=6894). Taylor began his career in non-profits as news and reviews editor at the ASPB-published journal The Plant Cell, becoming managing editor two years later. After four years at ASPB, Taylor moved to AAAS, where he worked to expand a career-focused resource called Science’s Next Wave. In 2004, he moved back to ASPB and into his current position. He received his Ph.D. in Genetics from Michigan State University in 1993.



