
本文系统阐述了东北地区玉米秸秆资源利用概况,分析了玉米秸秆直接还田限制因素,根据区域生态特征提出了相应的玉米秸秆全量深翻还田耕种技术体系,并从技术模式、土壤肥力、资源利用效率及经济效益等多个方面对该耕作技术体系的实施效果进行了剖析。研究表明,玉米秸秆全量深翻还田耕种技术解决了生产中耕层浅、实、少,土壤有机质下降,养分过量消耗等诸多土壤肥力退化问题,构建了肥沃耕层,实现了玉米高产稳产。同时,针对如何进一步完善玉米秸秆直接还田技术、推进玉米秸秆还田等提出了对策与建议。 英文摘要: In this paper, the maize straw utilization status in the Northeast of China was systematic explained, and major limitations in relation to returning application of maize straw were also analyzed. In accordance with different regional ecological characteristics, the corresponding technology systems on maize straw return by deep plowing tillage were established respectively, and then the technical process and the effect of technology systems on soil fertility, resource use efficiency, and economic benefits were analyzed. The results indicated that main problems of soil fertility degradation, for instance, shallow top layer, high soil composition, low soil organic matter content, excess nutrient consumption, etc. were elegantly resolved by full maize straw return with deep plowing, the fertile cultivated soil layer, higher maize grain yield and its stability were simultaneously available. Some countermeasure and suggestions of full maize straw returning technology and its promotion were proposed. 查看全文