


研究所的该课题组通过对天然纳米材料凹凸棒土进行修饰,制备出一种疏水纳米材料,该材料可在小麦籽粒表面形成致密疏水结构,显着抑制小麦种子的呼吸作用以及对水分的吸收。该技术具有施用简便、环境友好等优势,具有很好的应用前景。相关成果已被美国化学会期刊ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 接收发表。


Controlling Preharvest Sprouting of Wheat through Nanonetworks

Abstract To address the severe problem of preharvest sprouting of wheat, we fabricated and tested a nanonetwork-structured nanocomposite using palygorskite modified by amino silicon oil. The nanocomposite was used as a nanonet membrane (NNM) on the surface of wheat seeds to effectively inhibit preharvest sprouting (PHS). The NNM made the surface of the wheat seeds rougher and formed a hydrophobic nanomembrane on the surface of the wheat ears, effectively preventing the wheat seeds from adsorbing water. The PHS ratio of wheat decreased by 51.4% in the experimental group compared to the control. This study provides a promising approach to prevent wheat preharvest sprouting, which has potential value for application to wheat production.

