论文标题:Understanding 6th-century barbarian social organization and migration through paleogenomics
作者:Johannes Krause, David Caramelli, Patrick J. Geary & Krishna R. Veeramah et al.
《自然-通讯》近日发表的一项研究Understanding 6th-century barbarian social organization and migration through paleogenomics 深入分析了欧洲蛮族伦巴第人的古基因组DNA,揭示了伦巴第人的社会组织和迁徙情况。公元568年,伦巴第人从潘诺尼亚(如今的匈牙利西部)侵入意大利,并开始了对意大利大部分地区超过200年的统治。
图1:Szólád 和 Collegno 的考古和基因特征 Krause 等
匈牙利的Szólád墓地和意大利的Collegno墓地已被证实与伦巴第人有关,德国马克斯·普朗克人类历史学研究所的Johannes Krause及同事对两处古墓发掘的63个个体的古基因组DNA进行了测序和分析。研究发现,两处坟墓的排列方式各以一支大家族为中心,且每处墓地至少埋葬了两个祖先不同、墓葬风俗不同的族群。
摘要:Despite centuries of research, much about the barbarian migrations that took place between the fourth and sixth centuries in Europe remains hotly debated. To better understand this key era that marks the dawn of modern European societies, we obtained ancient genomic DNA from 63 samples from two cemeteries (from Hungary and Northern Italy) that have been previously associated with the Longobards, a barbarian people that ruled large parts of Italy for over 200 years after invading from Pannonia in 568 CE. Our dense cemetery-based sampling revealed that each cemetery was primarily organized around one large pedigree, suggesting that biological relationships played an important role in these early medieval societies. Moreover, we identified genetic structure in each cemetery involving at least two groups with different ancestry that were very distinct in terms of their funerary customs. Finally, our data are consistent with the proposed long-distance migration from Pannonia to Northern Italy.
期刊介绍:Nature Communications (https://www.nature.com/ncomms/) is an open access journal that publishes high-quality research from all areas of the natural sciences. Papers published by the journal represent important advances of significance to specialists within each field.
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