
为了探讨低平原区玉米高产高效栽培方法,2016年以当地普通栽培玉米品种郑单958和先玉335为研究对象,研究了不同叶龄期刈割对玉米生长发育及产量的响应,2017年在上年研究的基础上,以相对耐密品种郑单958为研究对象,对8.25万株·hm-2、9.00 万株·hm-2、9.75万株·hm-2、10.50万株·hm-2、11.25万株·hm-2、12.00万株·hm-2不同密度处理进行刈割,研究增密刈割的产量效应。研究结果表明:不同叶龄期刈割影响了玉米的生长发育,随刈割时间的延后对玉米的影响越大,表现为抽雄吐丝时间推迟,郑单958抽雄时间推迟2~8天,吐丝期推迟3~6天,先玉335抽雄时间推迟2~8天,吐丝期推迟4~8天;株高和穗位降低,郑单958和先玉335株高降低分别为3.9~58.3 cm和10.2~58.8 cm,穗位降低分别为3.6~48.9 cm和13.5~50.5 cm;绿叶数目减少,叶面积下降,吐丝期郑单958绿叶数目减少2.5~4.2片,叶面积下降8.6~55.4 %,先玉335绿叶数目减少0.4~2.9片,叶面积下降4.4~50.1 %;产量性状下降,两品种单穗重较对照分别降低4.6~21.7 %和1.4~24.5 %,穗粒数以3叶龄期刈割最高,但穗粒重较对照降低;产量降低,以3叶期减产幅度最小,较对照间差异不显著,5叶期在1叶位刈割基本全部死掉,6叶以后刈割虽然叶位提高到4叶以上但减产幅度较大,较对照产量差异达显著水平,两品种较对照分别减产3.7~21.0 %和2.4~25.0 %;但刈割明显的降低了玉米的株高和穗位,穗位高系数和茎秆长粗比降低。随着刈割密度的增加,产量性状呈现下降的趋势,产量较对照先降低后增加,当刈割密度达到10.82万株·hm-2时,产量和对照持平,当刈割密度达到12.00万株·hm-2时实测产量提高7.3 %,理论产量提高16.7%,增加密度可弥补刈割对产量的影响。普通玉米刈割时期在3叶期较好,刈割的高度在1叶以上或二叶较好,5叶期以后不适宜刈割,适当刈割与增加密度配合可具有一定的增产效果。 英文摘要: In order to explore the high yielding and efficient summer maize cultivation technology in Low Plain area of Hebei province, seedling cutting experiment was conducted for two years. The impacts of cutting stages on growth and yield were studied in 2016 with two commonly used maize varieties Zhengdan 958 and Xianyu 335,and the impacts of cutting in different densities ( 82.5, 90, 97.5, 105,112.5, 120 thousand plants per hectare and 75 thousand plants per hectare no cutting as CK)on growth and yield were studied in 2017 with varieties Zhengdan 958. The results showed that cutting stages markedly affected the growth and development of maize. The later the cutting stage, the greater the impact presented, compared with no cutting, the anthesis?and silking?stages were delayed. The dates of heading and silking for Zhengdan 958 delayed by 2~8 days and 3~6 days, respectively; for Xianyu 335 delayed by 2~8 days and 4~8days, respectively. The plant height and ear position lowered due to cutting: Zhengdan 958 and Xianyu 335 decreased by 3.9~58.3 cm and 10.2~58.8 cm in plant height; by 3.6~48.9 cm and 13.5~50.5 cm in era position, respectively. The number of green leaves and leaf area reduced: the green leaf number reduced by 2.5~4.2 pieces and 0.4~2.9 pieces, the leaf area decreased by 8.6~55.4 % and 4.4~50.1 % for Zhengdan 958 and Xianyu 335 at the silking stage, respectively. The yield components tended to poorer. The grain weight per ear decreased by 4.6~21.7 % and 1.4~24.5 % for Zhengdan 958 of CKs’, its grain weight per ear still lower than that of the CK. The corn yield of cutting treatments decreased. The 3-leaf cutting had the least decrease and no significant difference from the CK. The 5-leaf cutting treatment above the first leaf blade, the seedlings all dead. The 6-leaf treatment cutting above the fourth leaf blade had significant yield reduction, and reduced by 3.7~21.0 % and 2.4~25.0 % for Zhengdan 958 and Xianyu 335, respectively. Compared to the CK(no cutting) treatment, the maize yield decreased first and then increased, and the yield component worsen with the increase in plant density. When the plant density reached 10.82 thousand plants per hectare, the yield of cutting treatment was equal to the CK yield. While when the plant density reached 12 thousand plants per hectare, the yield of cutting treatment was 7.3% or 16.7% greater than that of CK with the measured or theoretic yield, respectively. Increasing the plant density was able to compensated for the negative impact of cutting on yield. The suitable cutting stage was 3-leaf and suitable cutting height was above 1 or 2 leaves blade. 5-leaf or later was not suitable for maize seedling cutting any more. A suitable cutting combined with increasing plant density showed an effect on yield improvement. 查看全文