
连续两年对山东省主产区的玉米进行采样和主要真菌毒素的测定,并采用期望值排序法对真菌毒素进行排序。分别以毒性(致癌性)和毒效用以判定真菌毒素危害的严重性,用风险控制程度、检出率和残留水平判定真菌毒素风险发生的可能性。风险排序的结果表明,山东省玉米生产过程中必须关注的真菌毒素为黄曲霉毒素B1,重点关注的为黄曲霉毒素B2、G1,AFG2为一般关注指标,FBS、DON、ZEN为暂不关注指标。山东省玉米真菌毒素污染水平处于风险低的水平。 英文摘要: Contamination status of mycotoxins in maize in Shandong Province were determined in 2013 and 2014, and scoring method was used to ranking the risk of myotoxins. Severity of the mycotoxins was evaluated by using the toxicity (carcinogenicity) and PMTDI (provisional maximum tolerable daily intake). Probability of the mycotoxins was determined by risk control, positive incidence and detection of residues in maize. Results showed that AFB1 should be highest priority of mycotoxins in maize; AFB2 and AFG1 should be the preferential mycotoxins. The mycotoxins risk of maize in Shandong Province was relatively low. 查看全文