
为了明确甘肃玉米大斑病菌对两种三唑类杀菌剂的敏感基线和抗性水平,筛选和推广高效、广谱杀菌剂确保玉米生产安全。采用平皿法测定了甘肃玉米大斑病菌自然群体对丙环唑和腈菌唑的敏感性。结果表明:甘肃玉米大斑病菌对丙环唑平均EC50为0.86 μg/mL,EC50范围在0.36~1.93 μg/mL,自然群体正态分布的平均EC50=0.76 μg/mL即可作为甘肃玉米大斑病菌对丙环唑的敏感基线;对腈菌唑的平均EC50为0.98 μg/mL,EC50范围在0.19~2.55 μg/mL之间,自然群体正态分布的平均EC50=0.92 μg/mL即可作为甘肃玉米大斑病菌对腈菌唑的敏感基线。甘肃玉米大斑病菌自然群体对丙环唑敏感性强于腈菌唑,病菌在EC50水平的平均抗性为1.13和1.07,最高抗性为2.53和2.78,暂无抗药性。 英文摘要: The objective of this experiment is to study sensitive baseline and resistance factor of Exserohilum turcicum to two triazoles in Gansu, and to screen and extend fungicides with efficient and broad-spectrum so as to ensure production safety. The Petri plate is used to test sensitivity of S. turcica to propiconazole and myclobutanil among natural populations in Gansu. The results showed that mean EC50 for S. turcica to propiconazole among natural population in Ganasu is 0.86 μg/mL, EC50 ranges from 0.36μg/mL to 1.93 μg/mL, mean EC50 of normal distribution among natural populations is 0.76 μg/mL, serving as sensitive baseline of S. turcica to propiconazole in Gansu, while mean EC50 for S. turcica to myclobutanil among natural populations in Gansu is 0.98 μg/mL, EC50 ranges from 0.19μg/mL to 2.55 μg/mL, mean EC50 of normal distribution among natural populations is 0.92 μg/mL, serving as sensitive baseline of of S. turcica to myclobutanil in Gansu. The sensitivity of natural populations of S. turcica to propiconazole is higher than that to myclobutanil, mean resistance factor respectively is 1.13 and 1.07 at EC50 level, the highest resistance factor respectively is 2.53 and 2.78.Therefore there are no resistance to propiconazole and myclobutanil. 查看全文