
摘 要:ABP7是玉米中的一种bHLH类转录因子,生物信息学分析发现该基因可能与植物激素信号传导相关。为探究玉米中ABP7介导的激素信号转导途径,本研究首先采用qPCR方法对V1期玉米自交系齐319根、茎、叶中的ABP7的表达量进行分析,其次采用qPCR方法对IAA、ABA、BR三种植物激素处理后的V1期玉米自交系齐319中ABP7的表达量进行定量分析。实验结果显示, 在V1期玉米中,内源ABP7主要在叶片中表达,且其表达受IAA和BR诱导,而受ABA抑制,该实验结果暗示ABP7能够响应IAA、ABA及BR三种植物激素。 英文摘要: Abstract: Bioinformatic analysis on the promoter sequence of ABP7, a basic Helix-Loop-Helix transcription factor from maize, suggest that it may be involved in phytohormone signaling in maize. To explore this possibility, expression profiles of ABP7 in maize inbreed Qi319 treated with phytohormones IAA, ABA, BR respectively were determined by qPCR. The results showed that the expression of ABP7 was increased by IAA and BR, while repressed by ABA. These data suggest that ABP7 may be involved in IAA, ABA and BR signal transduction pathway regulating maize growth and development. d development. 查看全文