本研究以京科糯928和农科玉368等9个不同玉米品种为研究材料,利用高效液相色谱-质谱联用测定法,检测糯玉米适采期籽粒中叶酸含量、蒸煮后的叶酸含量及普通玉米籽粒中叶酸含量,并进行评价。结果表明,不同品种之间叶酸含量存在显著差异,其中糯玉米籽粒中平均叶酸含量为221.73 μg/100g,标准差为9.91μg/100g。京科糯928叶酸含量最高,为305.43 μg/100g。农科玉368、兆玉18、京科糯2016的叶酸含量均在200 μg/100g以上,分别为289.28 μg/100g、210.07 μg/100g和210.90 μg/100g。京科糯2010、垦粘1号、中航糯3号和万糯2000的叶酸含量均在100 ug/100g以上。普通玉米郑单958叶酸含量为24.5ug/100g。蒸煮后籽粒叶酸含量和叶酸流失率在品种间存在显著差异。鲜籽粒蒸煮后叶酸含量呈降低趋势,其中,京科糯928、农科玉368、京科糯2016、京科糯2010和兆玉18的鲜籽粒蒸煮后叶酸流失率均在25.52%以下。综合表明,京科糯928和农科玉368不论是鲜籽粒还是蒸煮后叶酸含量最高且稳定,属于高叶酸营养强化型鲜食糯玉米品种,适合大面积推广种植。
In this study, nine different waxy corn varieties, such as Jingkenuo928, Nongkenuo368, were used to a HPLC method for the determination of folic acid in fresh kernel. The result showed that there were significant differences in the content of folic acid between different varieties, and the average folic acid content in the grain of waxy corn was 221.73 μg/100g, and the standard deviation was 9.91 μg/100g. The folic acid content of Jingkenuo928 is the highest, which is 305.43 μg/100g. The folic acid content of Nongkenuo368, Zhaoyu18, Jingkenuo2016 were all above 200 μg/100g, 289.28 μg/100g, 210.07 μg/100g and 210.90 μg/100g. The folic acid content of Jingkenuo2010, Kennian1, Zhonghangnuo3 and Wannuo2000 were above 100 μg/100g. The folic acid content of Zhengdan958 was only 24.5 μg/100g. There were significant differences in the content of folic acid and the loss rate of folic acid between the varieties after cooking. The content of folic acid decreased after the fresh kernel cooking. The folic acid loss rate after cooking of Jingkenuo928, Nongkenuo368, Jingkenuo2016, Jingkenuo2010 and Zhaoyu18 were less than 25.52%. It can be seen that Jingkenuo928 and Nongkenuo368 had the highest folic acid content after fresh or cooking, which have nutritional enhancement and can be planted widely.