
玉米穗腐病是由病原菌浸染引起果穗或籽粒病变的一种真菌性病害,在世界玉米种植区域普遍发生。本文归纳总结玉米穗腐病研究最新研究进展,从病原菌类型及生理小种、抗性种质资源筛选、抗性机制、抗性遗传、抗性基因与分子标记定位等方面对玉米穗腐病进行了全面综述,并结合当前玉米穗腐病研究现状进行了展望,旨在为玉米穗腐病的抗病分子机制及分子辅助育种提供一定的理论参考。 英文摘要: Ear rot is a destructive disease in maize caused by fungus, which results in reduction of grain yield and increase of risks in raising livestock by mycotoxins production in the world. From this paper, the research progress on maize ear rot were summarized including the infected pathogens and its physiological races, identification of resistant germplasm, resistance on the mechanism and inheritance, screening and determination of resistant genes, mapping of resistant genes to ear rot. AndSof these current information could provide clues for building a theoretical reference on resistance of molecular mechanism or breeding new cultivated varieties in maize ear rot. 查看全文