
玉米是中国最主要的粮食作物之一,玉米育种是重要的研究领域。本文选取中国知网(CNKI)数据库文献作为数据来源,应用文献计量学的方法,分析了国内玉米单倍体育种的年度发文量、主要研究机构、高被引作品以及研究热点。通过分析可以了解目前国内关于玉米单倍体育种研究的整体情况。 英文摘要: Maize is one of the most important food crops in China, and maize breeding is a major research field. Using the Bibliometrics method, the annual papers, the main research organization, the high cited work as well as the research hotspot had been analyzed Based on the CNKI"s Documents. Through the analysis, the whole present situation of maize haploid breeding in China could be understood. 查看全文