
转基因技术的应用已成为国内外玉米育种的重要手段,其产业化为全球玉米种业发展和玉米生产方式带来变革,对粮食安全、生态安全和农民增收给予了重要保障。本文针对玉米遗传转化和新产品创制进展进行了评述,并对今后我国玉米转基因技术研发及其应用进行了展望。 英文摘要: Transgenic technology (genetic engineering) has become an important approach in maize breeding, and its commercial use has resulted in the reform and even the revolution of global maize seed industry and maize production modes. The release of transgenic maize varieties have contributed greatly to food security, environmental security and farmers’ income increase in the world. This paper reviews the advances in transformation techniques and transgenic breeding in maize. Future prospects and main tasks in the field of transgenic research in maize are also proposed. 查看全文