摘要:【目的】2013年—2015年在黄土高原半干旱区(宁夏彭阳县)通过设置不同秋季覆盖方式,进行了农田土壤水分保蓄效果及对玉米生长影响的研究。【方法】以传统平作不覆盖为对照(CK),在玉米播种的上一年秋末设置地膜全覆盖(PA)、可降解膜全覆盖(BA)、玉米秸秆全覆盖(SA)和沟垄集雨半膜覆盖(RH)4种覆盖方式。【结果】研究结果表明,在冬春休闲期,PA、BA、SA、RH均能有效提高播种前土壤水分,使播前0—200cm土层土壤蓄水量2a平均分别较CK提高了39.8mm(8.32%)、53.0mm(11.08%)、43.2mm(9.01%)和62.8mm(13.12%);SA和RH整个生育期土壤蓄水量显著高于CK,PA和BA在生育前期有较高的土壤水分,在生育中后期(播后60d—120d),储水量显著低于CK;收获时2014年各处理土壤蓄水量差异不显著,2015年PA土壤蓄水量较CK低33.5mm(8.85%),SA和RH高于CK 67.2mm(17.75%)和47.1mm(12.44%)。整个玉米生育期,PA、BA和RH平均较CK提高土壤温度2.6℃、1℃和0.9℃,SA较CK降低0.8℃,RH与BA的土壤温度在生育中后期差异不显著。PA在玉米生育前期的增温保水效果促进了玉米生长,使其株高和生物量均最高,达329.2cm,491.8g/株,平均较CK提高28.79%和75.65%;RH 2014年的株高和生物量显著高于BA,但在生育前期降雨较多的2015年与BA无显著差异,均显著高于CK。不同覆盖方式中PA产量最高,2a平均较CK提高了58.17%,RH与BA次之,分别较CK提高了34.16%和27.05%,SA低于CK;水分利用效率与产量规律一致,PA、BA和RH分别较CK提高36.89%、14.34%和29.51%。【结论】在黄土高原半干旱区,上年秋季地膜全覆盖明显改善了土壤水温条件,获得最高的产量和水分利用效率,可降解膜全覆盖和沟垄集雨半膜覆盖对土壤水温影响不同,但对玉米生长和产量的影响相似,因降雨年型不同而有一定差异。
Abstract: [Objective] From 2013—2015,we conducted a field experiment in the semi-arid areas in NorthweChina (Ningxia Pengyang county) to determine the effects of different mulching materials on the capacity of water-holding and maizegrowth.[method] we tested the following four treatments :plastic film mulched during the whole season from autumn in previous year (PA),degradable film mulchedduring the whole season from autumn in previous year (BA), corn straw mulching during the whole season(SA), alternating ridges and furrows where only the ridges were mulched with plastic film during the whole season(RH),flat planting without mulching (CK) .[results] the results showed that in the winter fallow period, PA, BA, SA, RH were all beneficialreducing soil water losses during the fallow season compared with CK. The two-year average soil water storage (0-200cm)of the PA, BA, SA and RH wasincreasedby 39.8mm (8.32%), 53.0mm (11.08%), 43.2mm (9.01%) and 62.8mm (13.12%) than CK when sowing; Soil water storage capacity of SA and RH were significantly higher than that of CK during whole growth season, the soil moisture of PA and BA gradually decreases during the early growth season until lower than CK after sowing 60d - 120d.There were no significant differences among the treatments in 2014 while the soil water storage with PA was 33.5mm (8.85%)lower than CK 2015 during the later growth stage. The mean soil temperature(5-25cm)with the PA, BA and RH treatments were 2.6 ℃ ,1 ℃ and 0.9 ℃ higher than CK,respectively ,whereas the SA treatment was is 0.8 ℃ lower than CK during the maize growing season. And the soil temperature with RH and BA had no significant differences during the late growth stage.The water retention and temperature-raising effects of the PA and BA treatments promoted the growth of maize and the plant height and biomass were highest than other treatments when harvest .By 28.79% and 75.65% compared with CK.There were better water conditions of RH treatment and higher temperature of BA,so the plant height and biomass were significantly higher than CK.There was no significant difference in the plant height and biomass between RH and BA treatments in 2015 but plant height and biomass with RH were higher than BA in 2014 maybe because of more rain during the early growth stage.PA,RH,and BA produced a higher maize yield and water use efficiency throughout the experimental period.Compared with CK,the PA,RH,and BA treatments increased the two-years mean maize yields by 58.17%,34.16%,and 27.05%,with water use efficiency improvements of 36.89%,14.34%,and 29.51%, respectively .[Conclusion] PA could significantly improved the soil water and temperature, promoted maize growth, greatly increased the crop yield and water use efficiency,The effect of BA and RH on soil water and temperature is different,but the influence on the maize growth and yield were similar.these results may have important implication for maize production in the in the semi-arid areas in Northwest China .