
本文利用2份低穗位DH系(15D969、D1279)、5份自交系(A6、PHB1M、B20、PH4CV、PH6WC)进行杂交、回交试验,结果表明:DH系15D969所具有的低株高、低穗位由隐性基因控制,相对于PH6WC×A6讲,与PH6WC杂交效应不表达;DH系D1279同时具有高株高隐性基因和低穗位部分显性基因,杂交组合PH6WC×D1279株高、穗位显著低于先玉335(PH6WC×PH4CV),改良效果显著。 英文摘要: 2 low ear DH lines (15D969, D1279), 5 inbred lines (A6, PHB1M, B20, PH4CV, PH6WC) were made hybridization, backcross test. the results show that the low plant height and low ear position of DH line 15D969 were controlled by recessive genes, relative to PH6WC ×A6, No expression of PH6WC×15D969; DH line D1279 has both high plant height recessive gene and low ear position partial dominant gene, the plant height and ear position of PH6WC × D1279 was significantly lower than that of XianYu 335 (PH6WC×PH4CV), improved obviously. 查看全文