
中科院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所王二涛组研究揭示植物-菌根共生的转录调控机理和植物激素赤霉素通过DELLA蛋白调节菌根共生的分子机制。文章发表在12月17日《Cell Research》期刊上。





A DELLA protein complex controls the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in plants

Nan Yu, Dexian Luo, Xiaowei Zhang, Junzhong Liu, Wanxiao Wang, Yue Jin, Wentao Dong, Jiyun Liu, Huan Liu, Weibing Yang, Longjun Zeng, Qun Li, Zuhua He, Giles E D Oldroyd and Ertao Wang

lants establish beneficial symbiotic associations with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, which colonize the root cortex, building specialized structures called arbuscules that facilitate nutrient exchange. The association occurs following plant recognition of lipochitooligosaccharides (LCOs) from mycorrhizal fungi, which activates the symbiosis signaling pathway prior to mycorrhizal colonization. Here we show that SLR1/DELLA, a repressor of gibberellic acid (GA) signaling, and its interacting partner protein are required for the mycorrhizal symbiosis. GA treatment inhibits mycorrhizal colonization and leads to the degradation of DELLAs. Consistently, rice lines mutated in DELLA are unable to be colonized by mycorrhizal fungi. DELLAs are members of the GRAS family of transcription factors. We further show that rice DELLA interacts with a second GRAS protein, DIP1 (DELLA Interacting Protein 1). DIP1 is also required for mycorrhizal colonization and in turn interacts with a previously characterized mycorrhizal GRAS protein, RAM1, that has been shown to directly regulate mycorrhizal-associated gene expression. We conclude that a complex of GRAS proteins, including DELLAs, is necessary for regulation of mycorrhizal-associated gene expression and thus colonization.
