
本试验选择辽宁春玉米区三个主推品种铁研58(TY58)、良玉99(LY99)、郑单958(ZD958)进行两个氮素水平的试验,梯度设置为N0(不施入氮肥),N1(施入纯氮225 kg/hm2)。实验表明:1.不同品种氮反应有差异,施入氮肥后植株主要通过提高穗粒数而获得产量,TY58为氮反应敏感品种2.施入氮肥,植株氮积累量增加,成熟期达到最大,吐丝前后的氮素积累品种间存在差异;成熟时氮素分配比例由高到低顺序为籽粒>叶片>茎>鞘>穂轴>苞叶>雄穂3.氮肥亏缺条件下,植株加大了氮素由茎叶器官向籽粒的供应比例,叶片对籽粒氮贡献率最高,本试验中达到28.0%-51.3%。 英文摘要: In this experiment, three cultivars Titeyan58 (TY58), Liangyu 99 (LY99) and Zhengdan 958 (ZD958 ) of Liaoning spring maize area, were selected under two nitrogen treatments, N0 (no nitrogen fertilizer), N1 ( Applied to pure nitrogen 225 kg / hm2). The results showed that: 1. The nitrogen reaction of different cultivars was different, and the treatments applied to nitrogen fertilizer was mainly obtained by increasing the number of grains per spike, and TY58 was variety sensitive to nitrogen.2. The results showed that the nitrogen accumulation of plant nitrogen increased, and reached the maximum at maturity, and the accumulation of nitrogen was around silking stage, The ratio of nitrogen distribution at maturity from high to low was grain> leaf> stem> sheath> cob>husk> tassel;3. Under the condition of nitrogen deficit, the plant increased the proportion of supply from stem to leaf, and the leaf contributed the highest rate to grain, was 28.0% -51.3% in this experiment. 查看全文