
玉米杂交种生产中,机械化去雄是重要的发展趋势。植株的高低和雄穗的抽出长度会影响机械去雄质量,通过化学调控调节株高及穗上各节间长度,对提高机械化去雄质量有重要意义。以玉米自交系郑58和PH6WC为研究材料,在不同时期喷施赤霉素和乙烯利+油菜素内酯调节株高,结果表明,郑58在17片可见叶期,喷施200 mg/L赤霉素效果最佳,倒1节提升幅度与对照达到显著性差异;PH6WC对赤霉素反应不敏感。郑58在14片可见叶期,喷施100 mg/L+0.1 mg/L乙烯利+油菜素内酯降低株高的效果最佳,倒2节至倒6节降低幅度均与对照达到显著性差异;PH6WC在17片可见叶期,喷施200 mg/L+0.1 mg/L乙烯利+油菜素内酯降低株高效果最佳,倒1节至倒6节降低幅度均与对照达到显著性差异。不同自交系对化控剂处理的最佳时期和浓度均有差异。 英文摘要: It is an important trend to detassel the corn by machine to produce the hybrid maize.The factors which influence the quality of detasseling are the plant height and tassel length, theseare significant to guide the machinery detassel. Using the inbred line Zheng58 and PH6WC as guiding materials, sprinkling gibberellin and ethrel with brassinolide to adjust plant height in different plant growth period.Compared the growth length rate of last internode of Zheng58 with reference which shows significant differences when Zheng58 sprinkled by the concentration of 200mg/L gibberellin at 17 visible leaf stage, however PH6WC insensitive to gibberellin.Under the 17visible leaf stage, the reduction rate of last two internode to six shows significant difference between Zheng58 and reference which sprinkled by 100mg/L ethrel with 0.1 mg/L brassinolide, at the same time, using the same disposition on PH6WC at the 17 visible leaf stage, the reduction rate of last to six internode length turns significant differences between treatment and reference. The different inbred line have different reaction by chemical regulation on suitable stage and concentration. 查看全文