
SW12-859为吉林省农业科学院农业生物技术研究所培育的转基因玉米杂交组合,全株表达Cry1F基因杀虫蛋白。本研究以其为材料,与其遗传背景相似的郑单958为非转基因对照,在玉米心叶期(6-8叶期)和穗期(13-16叶期),进行田间人工接玉米螟初孵幼虫,调查了其抗螟性、农艺性状及对产量损失的影响。结果表明:在玉米心叶期和穗期,转基因玉米SW12-859对一、二代玉米螟表现为高抗,郑单958表现为感,二者受玉米螟危害程度(抗螟性)差异显著。转基因玉米SW12-859和郑单958的株高、穗位等农艺性状相近。在接虫条件下,转基因玉米产量显著高于非转基因玉米,可见,转基因玉米产业化前景广阔。 英文摘要: Transgenic corn hybrid SW12-859, which can express Cry1F protein in the whole plant, was bred by Agro-Biotechnology research institute of Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences. In this study, SW12-859, as well as Zhengdan 958, which has similar genetic background to SW12-859, were inoculated with corn borer larvae at 6-8 leaf stage and 13 to 16 leaf stage. The resistance to corn borer, agronomic traits and yield loss were evaluated. The results showed that the resistance to corn borer of transgenic hybrid was significantly different to that of control. The transgenic corn hybrid SW12-859 was highly resistant to corn borer at both stages, while Zhengdan 958 was highly susceptible to corn borer. The agronomic traits (eg. plant height, ear heights, etc) of SW12-859 and Zhengdan 958 were similar. The yield of transgenic corn was significantly higher than that of non-transgenic corn afer inoculation with corn borer larvae. Therefore, the prospect of genetic modified corn is bright. 查看全文