
摘要:2015年初次发现二点委夜蛾在冀东地区危害玉米,虫量较少,危害较轻。2017年该虫在冀东地区暴发,严重影响了夏玉米生产。2017年7月对冀东地区10个县(区)贴茬播种、播前旋耕、焚烧秸秆和前茬花生4种夏玉米种植模式的二点委夜蛾发生情况进行了系统调查。结果表明,二点委夜蛾在冀东地区的分布主要集中在唐山高新区、开平区等6县(区)的贴茬播种夏玉米区域,其它种植模式未见被害。唐山高新区高各庄镇、丰润区白官屯镇、玉田县亮甲店镇、鸦鸿桥镇、丰南区钱营镇和小集镇虫口密度较高,分别达到14.16、11.23、8.80、5.56、12.97和6.05头/㎡。其中,唐山高新区高各庄镇最高虫口密度达到43头/㎡。本研究为明确二点委夜蛾在冀东地区的发生及危害情况提供了理论基础。 英文摘要: Abstract: Athetislepigone was first found in eastern of Hebei Province in 2015 and broke out in 2017. The occurrence of Athetislepigone was investigated in 2017. The result showed that the pests were found in the field with stubble of 6 counties, and did not damage other sowing mode. The density of pests in Gaogezhuang town, Baiguantun town, Liangjiadian town, Yahongqiao town, Qianying town, Xiaoji town were large, respectively reached 14.16, 11.23, 8.80, 5.56, 12.97 and 6.05 in one square meter. There are 43 pests in one square meter which was the most in all survey data. The study have contributed to the understanding of Athetislepigone’s occurrence and damages in eastern of Hebei Province. 查看全文