研究成果在线发表在Plant Biotechnology Journal上,关于甜高粱吸收镉的品系筛选研究发表在Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety上。该研究工作得到了国家重点研发项目和国家科技惠民计划的资助。(来源:中科院植物研究所)
Comparative transcriptome combined with morpho-physiological analyses revealed key factors for differential cadmium accumulation in two contrasting sweet sorghum genotypes
Abstract Cadmium (Cd) is a widespread soil contaminant threatening human health. As an ideal energy plant, sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) has great potential in phytoremediation of Cd-polluted soils, although the molecular mechanisms are largely unknown. In this study, key factors responsible for differential Cd accumulation between two contrasting sweet sorghum genotypes (high-Cd accumulation one H18, and low-Cd accumulation one L69) were investigated. H18 exhibited a much higher ability of Cd uptake and translocation than L69. Furthermore, Cd uptake through symplasmic pathway and Cd concentrations in xylem sap were both higher in H18 than those in L69. Root anatomy observation found the endodermal apoplasmic barriers were much stronger in L69, which may restrict the Cd loading into xylem. The molecular mechanisms underlying these morpho-physiological traits were further dissected by comparative transcriptome analysis. Many genes involved in cell wall modification and heavy metal transport were found to be Cd-responsive DEGs and/or DEGs between these two genotypes. KEGG pathway analysis found phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway was over-represented, indicating this pathway may play important roles in differential Cd accumulation between two genotypes. Based on these results, a schematic representation of main processes involved in differential Cd uptake and translocation in H18 and L69 is proposed, which suggests that higher Cd accumulation in H18 depends on a multilevel coordination of efficient Cd uptake and transport, including efficient root uptake and xylem loading, less root cell wall binding, and weaker endodermal apoplasmic barriers.
Identification for the capability of Cd-tolerance, accumulation and translocation of 96 sorghum genotypes
Abstract Cadmium (Cd) pollution is a worldwide environmental problem which heavily threatens human health and food security. Sorghum, as one of the most promising energy crop, has been considered to be the source of high-quality feedstock for ethanol fuel. Ninety-six sorghum genotypes were investigated under hydroponic conditions to compare their capabilities of Cd-tolerance, accumulation and translocation for their potential in remediation of Cd contamination. Different genotypes varied largely in the tolerance to Cd stress with tolerance indexes ranked from 0.107 to 0.933. Great difference was also found in Cd uptake and accumulation with concentrations ranging from 19.0 to 202.4 mg/kg in shoots and 277.0–898.3 mg/kg in roots. The total amounts of Cd ranked from 6.1 to 25.8 μg per plant and the highest translocation factor was over 4 times higher than the lowest one. The correlation analysis demonstrated that Cd concentration in shoot reflected the ability of Cd translocation and tolerance of sorghum, and the path coefficient analysis indicated that root biomass could be taken as a biomarker to evaluate Cd extraction ability of sorghum. The results in this study can facilitate the restoring of Cd contaminated areas by sorghum.