
阐明棱形和小穗发育的遗传机理对于进一步提高大麦产量具有重要意义。经典遗传学已经克隆了5个控制大麦穗形态建成的基因,称为SIX-ROWED SPIKE (VRS),其中4个被确认为转录因子。近日,英国邓迪大学的研究人员揭示了第5个关键基因VRS3的遗传调控机制。
Nature Communications, 8: 936; 16 October 2017
Barley SIX-ROWED SPIKE3 encodes a putative Jumonji C-type H3K9me2/me3 demethylase that represses lateral spikelet fertility

Hazel Bull, M. Cristina Casao, Monika Zwirek……Arnis Druka, Sarah M. McKim & Robbie Waugh*
Cell and Molecular Sciences, The James Hutton Institute; Divisionof Plant Sciences, School of Life Sciences, The University of Dundee at The James Hutton Institute, Scotland.
The barley inflorescence (spike) comprises a multi-noded central stalk (rachis) with tri-partite clusters of uni-floretted spikelets attached alternately along its length. Relative fertility of lateral spikelets within each cluster leads to spikes with two or six rows of grain, or an intermediate morphology. Understanding the mechanisms controlling this key developmental step could provide novel solutions to enhanced grain yield. Classical genetic studies identified five major SIX-ROWED SPIKE (VRS) genes, with four now known to encode transcription factors. Here we identify and characterise the remaining major VRS gene, VRS3, as encoding a putative Jumonji C-type H3K9me2/me3 demethylase, a regulator of chromatin state. Exploring the expression network modulated by VRS3 reveals specific interactions, both with other VRS genes and genes involved in stress, hormone and sugar metabolism. We show that combining a vrs3 mutant allele with natural six-rowed alleles of VRS1 and VRS5 leads to increased lateral grain size and greater grain uniformity.
