
为了鉴定玉米弯孢叶斑病菌多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(Clpg)基因的家族成员,研究每个成员在侵染过程的表达水平,明确Clpg基因在玉米弯孢叶斑病菌致病性中的作用。本研究采用生物信息学鉴定Clpg基因家族成员,利用实时荧光定量PCR技术分析Clpg基因在病原菌-寄主植物互作时期的表达情况。结果表明玉米弯孢叶斑病菌Clpg基因家族有4个成员,分别命名为Clpg1、Clpg2、Clpg3和Clpg4,均含有3个内含子和2个外显子,与其他真菌PG基因具有相同的NTD、DD、GHG、RIK保守结构域。Clpg1和Clpg3基因的表达趋势为先升高后下降,在3 h达到最高值,Clpg2和Clpg4基因的表达趋势为逐渐上升。上述结果暗示Clpg基因可能参与病原菌与寄主植物的互作过程。 英文摘要: In order to uncover the role of Clpg gene in pathogenicity of Curvularia Leaf Spot, we identified the members of polygalacturonase (Clpg) genes and analyzed the expression level of each member during the infection process. In this study, bioinformatics was used to identify members of the Clpg gene family, and then the expression level of Clpg gene in the pathogen-host interaction period was analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR. The results showed that the Clpg gene family contained four members, namely Clpg1, Clpg2, Clpg3 and Clpg4. These?members?of?Clpg genes which?all?have?the?same?exon?and?intron?numbers?and?the same?conserved?domains NTD, DD, GHG and RIK with other fungi. The expression trends of Clpg1 and Clpg3 genes first increased and then decreased, and reached the peak at 3 h, while the expression trends of Clpg2 and Clpg4 genes increased gradually. The results indicated that Clpg genes may play an important role in pathogenecity. 查看全文