
针对目前吉林省黑土区玉米种植过程中氮肥用量偏高导致的氮肥利用率低、氮素残留高等问题,我们在习惯施氮量的基础上分别设置了降低10%、20%、30%、40%的4个不同氮肥减量处理,来研究减氮对春玉米干物质积累、籽粒产量、氮素利用效率及土壤中无机氮积累的影响。结果表明,伏龙泉和米沙子试验点降低20%氮肥用量,开安试验点降低30%氮肥用量玉米籽粒产量无显著降低, 而减氮处理显著提高了氮肥的利用效率。同时降低氮肥用量可以减少玉米收获后耕层土壤中无机氮的积累,特别是硝态氮的积累。该区域玉米施氮量在223kg/hm2时玉米收获后耕层土壤无机氮含量与播种前基本一致。综上所述,吉林省黑土玉米种植区适当降低氮肥用量不会显著影响玉米产量,同时会提高氮肥利用效率,减少玉米收获后耕层无机氮的积累。 英文摘要: Abstract: Nitrogen application with low utilization and high nitrogen residue of Spring Maize in black soil area of Jilin province was not reasonable. In order to further reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, improve the utilization rate and reduce the accumulation of inorganic nitrogen. we set up four different nitrogen application gradient treatments which were reduced 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% nitrogen rate on the basis of conventional fertilization, to study the influence of the different degree of nitrogen reduction on maize yield, aboveground biomass, nitrogen use efficiency and residual nitrate nitrogen in soil. The result shows that, Maize yield was not significantly reduced with nitrogen fertilizer amount reducing by 20% at Fulongquan and Mishazi test site and 30% at Kaian test site. And the use efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer was significantly improved by nitrogen reduction. At the same time, reducing the amount of nitrogen fertilizer can reduce the accumulation of inorganic nitrogen, especially the accumulation of nitrate nitrogen. When the amount of nitrogen applied in maize was 223kg/hm2, the content of inorganic nitrogen in the plough layer was basically the same as before sowing. In conclusion, proper reduction of N fertilizer dose not significantly affect maize yield, but also increase nitrogen use efficiency and reduce the accumulation of inorganic nitrogen in maize after harvesting in black soil corn planting area of Jilin Province 查看全文