
以西辽河平原地区主推品种伟科702为供试品种,通过2015、2016两年的田间试验,研究侧深施复合肥+硫包衣尿素(FS)、缓释肥+硫包衣尿素(HS)和常规施肥 (CK)三种不同施肥方式下,春玉米干物质积累和转运变化规律。结果表明,缓释肥+硫包衣尿素处理,春玉米产量、器官干物质积累量及完熟期子粒干物质分配比例,均高于复合肥+硫包衣尿素处理和常规施肥方式;但转运率及子粒贡献率,均低于复合肥硫包衣尿素处理和常规施肥方式。缓释肥硫包衣尿素施肥及复合肥硫包衣尿素处理方式较常规施肥处理少追肥一次。综合考虑增产效果和成本因素,一次性侧深施缓释肥+硫包衣尿素,可作为研究地区玉米推荐施肥模式。 英文摘要: Abstract: The responses of three fertilizer application methods which Compound?fertilizers - sulfur coated urea (FS) 、slow release fertilizers - sulfur coated urea (HS) and conventional fertilization treatment(CK)on dry matter accumulation and transportation of spring maize. Test were studied in 2015 and 2016 through field experiments using Weike 702,the main material in the West Liaohe Plain. The results showed that yield and organ accumulation of dry matter and the ratios of grain at mature stage of slow release fertilizers - sulfur coated urea higher than compound fertilizers - sulfur coated urea and conventional fertilization treatment . Whereas, organ translocation ratio and contribution ratio of dry matter of slow release fertilizers - sulfur coated urea lower than compound fertilizers - sulfur coated urea and conventional fertilization treatment. The fertilizer application methods of compound fertilizers - sulfur coated urea and slow release fertilizers - sulfur coated urea decreased one time of topdressing operation. Comprehensive consider yield increment and the cost ,one-times fertilize slow release fertilizers and sulfur coated urea can be recommend fertilization model of maize in the area of study. 查看全文