
本试验以东北农业大学利用17份欧洲玉米种质选育的41份中晚熟优良自交系为材料,以代表瑞德类群的自交系D1798Z和兰卡斯特类群的HCL645为测验种,采用NCII遗传交配设计组配82个杂交组合,分析产量配合力及杂种优势关系,。为欧洲玉米选系的有效利用提供理论依据。结果表明,41份欧洲选系的单株产量GCA相对效应值为-20.95%~26.72%,20份材料的一般配合力表现为正效应;DNF26-7-1、DNF03-12-2、DNP03-7-1等28份选系偏向于瑞德类群,DNF06-1-1、DNPA4-5-3-2、DN-2-12-1等13份选系偏向于兰卡斯特类群,欧洲中晚熟玉米种质的主要其杂种优势模式为瑞德×兰卡斯特;18个杂交组合单株产量对照优势为正值,选系DNF14-9-2、DNR11-10-1和DNF26-6-1与HCL645组配的3个组合对照优势表现突出,育种潜力较大。其结果对于中晚熟欧洲玉米选系在我国北方春玉米的有效利用具有重要价值。 英文摘要: Forty oneSmid-late maize inbred lines from European germlpam bred by Maize Institute of Northeast Agricultural University were used to create 82 hybrid combinations with two testers belongs to Lancaster and Reid groups respectively by NCII method. The combining ability and heterosis were analyzed, and we aimed to provide the theoretical basis for application of these lines. The results showed that RGCA of yield per plant was between -20.95%-26.72% among 41 inbred lines and GCA of 20 lines was positive. The value of F14-9-2, R11-10-1, R13-9-1, F26-8-3, and P20-10-2d was the top five. Forty oneSlines were divided to three groups, 11 lines belonged to Reid, 8 lines belonged to Lancaster, and the other 22 lines in between. The yield of 18 hybrid combinations hadSpositive over controlSheterosis, and the parent of 15 was HCL645. The top three was HCL645×F14-9-2, HCL645×R11-10-1, and HCL645×F26-6-1, which had over 10% control heterosis.