以8个玉米品种为试验材料,研究了玉米灌浆期果穗不同部位籽粒灌浆特性。结果表明:供试8个玉米品种,中下部籽粒的百粒重变幅范围34.02~51.38 g之间,极差为17.36 g,品种之间的变异系数为13.76 %;上部籽粒的百粒重变幅范围28.61~35.13 g之间,极差为6.52 g,变异系数为7.29%;从灌浆开始至灌浆快增期结束上部籽粒百粒重变异系数介于66.13%~13.18%之间,中下部籽粒百粒重变异系数介于54.38%~12.10%,随灌浆进程籽粒百粒重变异系数呈减小趋势;中下部籽粒平均灌浆速率始终高于上部籽粒,上部籽粒灌浆速率的变异系数大于中下部籽粒,并且灌浆速率的变异系数随灌浆进程呈先降后增的趋势,吐丝后56 d灌浆速率的变异系数快速增长。品种间各灌浆参数的变异系数,均为上部籽粒大于中下部籽粒。因此,选用籽粒灌浆粒位差异小的品种,采取有效措施促进上部籽粒灌浆,提高粒重是实现玉米高产栽培的技术途径。
8 maize hybrids were planted to observe and analyze their characteristics of grain-filling at different positions on a maize ear. The results showed that the 100-kernel weight of middle and basal kernels changed from 34.02 to 51.38 g, range was 17.36 g and variable coefficient was 13.76 %; The 100-kernel weight of upper changed from 28.61 to 35.13 g, range was 6.2 g and variable coefficient was 7.29%. During the early and middle grain filling stage the variation coefficient of 100-grain weight at the upper was in the range from 13.18% to 66.13% and at the middle and basal was in the range from 12.10% to 54.38%, coefficient of variation of grain weight per 100 grains was between 54.38% and 12.10%, and the variation coefficient of 100-grain weight decreased with grain filling going. Variable coefficient of grain-filling rate at the upper kernel was greater than that at middle and basal. Variable coefficient of grain-filling rate decreased at earlier grain filling stage ant then gradually increased with grain filling going, and when 56 days after silking variable coefficient of grain-filling rate rapidly grown. Variable coefficient of characteristics parameters was greater at the upper kernels than that at the middle and basal. Selecting the hybrids that difference between kernels at different position on an ear was tiny and promoting the upper kernel grain filling were a technical approach to increase kernel weight for high yield.