
为了探讨郑单1002品种黄淮海区域的合理施肥运筹,本文以郑单1002和郑单958为材料,设0、150、300kg/hm2三个氮肥水平,常规尿素和一次性基施掺混控释肥两种氮肥类型,研究了不同氮肥运筹对夏玉米冠层特征、干物质积累与分配和产量的影响。结果表明:增加施氮量,两品种穗位层和近地表叶面积指数(LAI)比N0增加25.7%-52.5%,开花期和成熟期干物质积累、千粒重、穗粒数、穗长和产量分别显著增加,农学利用效率降低22.0%-40.0%。与尿素相比,掺混控释肥增加了玉米生长后期穗位层和近地表的透光率和成熟期干物质积累,提高了千粒重、穗粒数、产量和氮肥农学效率(25.8%),降低了籽粒含水率。在相同的施肥条件下,与郑单958相比,郑单1002的LAI和穗粒数分别高7.5%-14.8%%和2.3%-11.5%,千粒重低1.4%-6.2%,产量高0.8%-6.2%。本试验条件下,选用郑单1002,施用150kg/hm2掺混控释肥是较为理想的高产高效宜机收的栽培途径。 英文摘要: Armed to investigating for reasonable fertilizer management of Zhengdan 1002 on Huang-Huai-Hai region, authors studied the impact of different fertilizer application level (0, 150 and 300 kg ha-1) and fertilizer type (urea and mixed controlled-release fertilizer) on maize canopy characteristic, dry matter accumulation and partitioning ratio and yield. Results show that leaf area index on spike layer and near-surface layer were increased 25.7%-52.5%, dry matter accumulation on anthesis and maturity, thousand kernel weight, kernels per spike, spike length and yield were elevated, but agronomic efficiency of applied N was declined by 22.0%-40.0% when nitrogen fertilizer application level was increased. Compared to urea, applying mixed controlled-release fertilizer increased the leaf area index on spike layer and near-surface layer, thousand kernel weight, kernels per spike, yield and agronomic efficiency of applied N (by 25.8%). Compared to Zhengdan 958, Zhengdan 1002’s leaf area index, kernels per spike and yield were higher by 7.5%-14.8%%, 2.3%-11.5% and 0.8%-6.2%, respectively, thousand kernel weight and spike water content was lower by 1.4%-6.2% and 0.4-8.6%, respectively, when nitrogen fertilizer were equivalent. Zhengdan 1002 was more suitable to mechanized harvesting grain. Under this study’s condition, planting Zhengdan 1002 composed with 150kg ha-1 mixed controlled-release fertilizer is a ideal cultivation way to receive higher, high efficient and suitable for mechanized harvesting grain. 查看全文