
通过设置旋耕不起垄、行间旋耕、行间隔行旋耕三种耕作模式处理,来探明行间耕作对东北春玉米生长发育及根系分布的影响。结果表明:无论是丰水年还是枯水年,各处理玉米籽粒产量并无显著性差异;行间旋耕,行间隔行旋耕处理可以显著降低土壤紧实度,增加根系总量和土壤深层根系比例,有利于根系吸收深层土壤的水分及养分;在拔节期,除行间隔行旋耕处理光合有效辐射和光合速率显著高于其他处理,其处理间的叶面积指数、干物质积累量、光合速率及光合有效辐射均无显著性差异;但在拔节期之后,行间旋耕和行间隔行旋耕处理各项指标均优于旋耕不起垄处理,行间旋耕和行间隔行旋耕处理间并无显著性差异。相对于行间旋耕处理,行间隔行旋耕处理更加节约成本,从提高经济效益角度考虑行间隔行旋耕是一项适宜推广的耕作模式。 英文摘要: In order to investigate the effect of inter-row tillage on growth and root distribution of Spring Maize in Northeast China by three kinds of tillage methods: rotary tillage-no ridge(CK), inter-row rotary tillage(T1), interval inter-row rotary tillage(T2). The results showed that: For both droughty year (2015) and wet year (2016), there are no significant difference in yield of each treatment; T1 and T2 can reduce soil density, increase the summation of the root and the proportion of root in deeper soil, which are propitious to absorb water and nutrient in deeper soil; In jointing stage of maize, there are no different in the leaf area index, amount of dry matter, net photosynthetic rate and photosynthetically active radiation of each treatments, except that the net photosynthetic rate and photosynthetically active radiation of T2 are evidently greater than others. But after jointing stage, each record of T1 and T2 is greater than CK and there are no different in T1 and T2. Compare to inter-row rotary tillage, from conservation of cost considerations, interval inter-row rotary tillage is a more appropriate extension of tillage methods. 查看全文